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          Leo and Lilah descended the stairs both well dressed,Lilah was dressed in a plain white geans that exposed her magnificent feature she was slim with a tiny waist and a large behind and she wore a white female singlet that exposed part of her twin peaks which were very large ,to round it up Lilah was well endowed,she complemented the singlet with a red suit matching Leo's suit ,her long thick red hair was neatly arranged straight and soft, her natural pink big moist lips were painted with white lipgloss,Lilah hates make up so she just uses simple white powder.
            On reaching the last staircase, they were both welcomed with the tight gaze of  Rover and a brown hair boy he looked not less than 18 he had light brown eyes and was dressed exactly as Leo ,he was also muscular but a little immature with a tanned skin tone , good looking also,but when Lilah met his gaze she narrowed her brow's irritated she looked at Leo who had a cheerful grin on his face  as he starred at the boy, on noticing Leo presence he diverted his gaze from Lilah and he look at Leo with a more cheerful gaze, Leo walked pass Lilah not minding her cold aura,"Simon I'm glad you made it, now I'll have a date to the cartel "Leo said as he gently planted a quick kiss on Simon's lips,Leo looked at Lilah with the same cheerful grin as before "Lilah my new boyfriend Simon ,Simon my pain in the ass of a best friend Lilah" "nice to meet you Lilah " Simon said with his hand extended for a handshake,Lilah look at him coldly "it's Miss Dolores to you kid " she coldly said as she ignored his handshake and walked up to Leo " you could have at least respect me enough to tell me the child you're dating is coming with us" she asked Leo coldly, Leo was the only being that was never affected by Lilah's coldness, Leo and Lilah grew up together, after Lilah's parent passed away she met Leo at one of her father's orphanage on one of her visit


Lilah came for her usual visit to one of her father's orphanage for the normal distribution of gift to the children,Lilah never liked being surrounded by people she loved to look at the children but after both her parents passed away she felt like she was now one of the orphans she loved to  separate herself from others leaving Rover to carry out the distribution.
         But this particular day she was out on her own by the poolside as usual when a boy a Year older than her approached her,he had all smiles as he looked at her playing in the water, Lilah couldn't swim she just loved playing in the water, that day she was startled by his presence and she subconsciously let go of the edge of the pool, she was drowning when the boy jumped into the pool and saved her, he got her out of the pool but she wasn't moving, so he tried mouth to mouth with his palms firmly on her chest, he pushed her chest three times and blew air into her mouth,he did this twice before Lilah cough out the water from her mouth, 9year old Leo grab a towel and wrapped 8year old Lilah in it. Lilah got to her feet and smiled at the smiling Leo "thanks" she said to him "you're welcome,why were you in the pool when you can't swim" Leo asked with a concern look "I'm trying to learn to swim " "aren't you the owners kid get some one to teach you " he said and turned to leave "I can't get any competent teacher can you teach me" she asked Leo didn't seem interested,he looked at her and turn to walk away "I'll tell everyone you push me in pool if you don't teach me"Lilah said intending on blackmailing him and it worked, Leo became Lilah's swim coach and then,they became as close as brother and sister.........


            "Firstly he is not a kid Lilah ,second I do not want to become a hoe like you sleeping around with both male and female ,and for your quick info he likes me and I like him back" he said as he ruffled Lilah's hair " fine I just thought you were still with that Veronica girl "she said as she rolled her eyes and it landed on Simon's face,she clearly was trying to make him on easy and she succeeded ,she decided to push further by complementing Veronica's shape and looks and Simon began to feel even more uneasy," I thought you didn't like her " Leo asked noticing her intentions "yes I hated every single shit about that bitch and I still don't  like this kid "she said directly  to Simon's face ,"I'll change your mind "Simon said cheerfully,Lilah was a bit stunned and irritated at the same time but she was more irritated,she looked at Leo and her expression became serious"plus we are going to the cartel for business not to bang your boyfriend " "I know but we won't handle business all through the night " Leo said,Rover who was observing through out finally spoke"if you two over pampered brats are done get going and try to be discreet with every decision you make ,Lilah I want both of you to make any decisions after carefully talking it through with Leo, and Leo try not to flex you muscle unless needed" he said as he turned away from them but stop as if he forgot something"ahhh that goes for you too Lilah you aren't strong enough to flex you strength on anyone  now so please if needed let Leo handle the muscle work" he ended ,"awww Rover you're such a caring person " she said playfully but Rover looked at her expressionlessly"no, you're just a pain when you're sick or injured "he ended and walked away.

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