Sweet and Sour

357 19 2

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You opened your eyes, greeted with the sight of the hotel room ceiling. It was certainly different, waking up in a place that didn't constantly smell like water and rust. You had your own one bedroom hotel room, as Wriothesley was considerate of your privacy and wouldn't want to bother you with all paperwork he had to bring along.

You sat up and stretched, looking around and yawning. The sun was barely peeking through the curtains that you had the foresight to close last night when you got here. You got out of bed and stretched again with a sigh, it was peaceful and lacked all the noise from the moving cogs in the Fortress.

"Good morning to me.." you muttered to yourself as you got up and walked over to the curtains, opening them up and looking out at the city below. The Duke had told you last night before you two had parted for the evening that the two of you would meet in the hotel lobby just as the sun peeked over the walls surrounding the city.

That being said, if you didn't hurry..you would be incredibly late. And so, despite not being too worried about making Wriothesley wait, you hurried to get ready for the day. As you in the bathroom brushing out your hair, you heard someone knock on the door.

It was now that you remembered just how scared you were to face people on the surface, the only people you had acclimated to was The Duke and Sigewinne..anyone else, it might just be a bit harder.

You were too scared to walk over to the door to answer it, but you stayed quiet to possibly hear who was outside your door.. "Y/n, it's just me." Came the familiar voice, It seems he quickly got sick of waiting for you.

You walked over and opened the door, peeking out and sighing "..sorry." you muttered and lowered your head before stepping back and leaving the door open for him. "For what?" he inquired, tilting his head as he stepped in and closed the door behind him.

You glanced back and shook your head, "nevermind..-" he raised a brow before shrugging it off, you didn't notice it before, but he was carrying two little boxes in his hands. "I got breakfast in the lobby while i was waiting." He chuckled and walked over to the table and set them down.

"I thought you would've preferred eating breakfast at a cafe." You stated and walked over, opening the little box, a few Chaussons aux Pommes waiting inside the box on top, Oeufs Cocotte With Boursin Cheese in the box that was on the bottom.

The smells were overwhelmingly delicious, looking at Wriothesley whom stood with his arms crossed with a smile on his face. "What? Are you waiting for permission?" He chuckled playfully and walked passed into the kitchenette for some plates and utensils.

"Uhm- no..this food looks really expensive and fancy though.." You frowned and looked down at the food before you in their packages. "Hm? It's not that expensive, besides, i told you i would be taking you to try foods and shop, remember?" he held his chin and smiled at you in amusement.

"Even if it was expensive, i can pay for it." He stated confidently as he set plates and utensils down on the table. You sat down on the couch, staring at the food before sighing and getting yourself a serving.

The Cocotte was smooth and rich, the egg within made it all the better "Mm!" you smiled and did a small happy dance before continuing to eat your breakfast. He grinned seeing you so excited but looked away the moment you caught a glance of him in your peripheral's.

"Gonna try the Chaussons?" He inquired as he took a bite of one himself, a few crumbs left behind on his face and clothes. "What kind are they?" You inquired and picked the one you had on your plate up, "Apple, a classic." He hummed.

"Hm.." You took a bite and relaxed a bit as you leaned back against the couch, "It's good..not as good as Cocotte." You stated and set the pastry down to continue eating the egg and cheese soup. "Apple isn't my favorite, i usually prefer meatier dishes." He stated, continuing to eat the pastry anyway.

The peaceful morning you thought you'd be spending around a multitude of people was actually less worth the stress then you had thought. Here you two were, eating your breakfast in a comfortable peace, occasionally speaking, just enjoying eachother's presence.

That is, until-

"Your Grace, The Iudex wishes to meet with you in the lobby for a moment." Came the voice of likely a Gard or diplomat that tagged along with Neuvillette to catch a glimpse of the Duke of the great 'prison' of Fontaine.

Wriothesley looked at you, and you looked at him, "Would you like to meet the one and only judge in all of Fontaine?" he asked, leaning onto the arm of the sofa with his cheek resting on his fist. He watched you carefully, not to figure out whether you would use this opportunity to your benefit.

But if you would be uncomfortable meeting someone so important on the surface world, so fast.

"Uhm..-" You scratched the back of your neck, you couldn't help but feel the slightest bit pressured by the knocking on the door and Wriothesley's staring. "If..if i get more Cocotte, i'll go." You stated with the most confidence you could muster.

He chuckled and shook his head, "Sure, more Cocotte." He assured and got up, walking passed you and patting your head as he went to open the door and let the Gard know he would be there.

You put your hand on top of your head, where the sensation and warmth of his palm was left behind. It made you completely space out in thought for a moment until you felt the slightest craving for that warm touch again.


You wouldn't dare ask for it.

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For all the things my hands have held.

The best thing by far.

Is you.

Prey Vision (Wriothesley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now