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An hour or so passed, and you were bored out of your mind. Sigewinne had returned briefly to check on you but had left just as fast, some random people came in to look for Sigewinne but left the moment they saw you.

So, you sat there, relaxing and staring up at the ceiling, daydreaming away to keep your boredom at bay. That is until Wriothesley had finally returned, a few books in one hand, two teacups and their saucers balanced on top of the book with a tea pot in the other.

"Sorry it took so long, had some problems to deal with on the way back." He hummed and set everything down on the little bedside table beside your bed. "It's alright..It's been peaceful, Sigewinne came back for a little bit but left again." he nodded and poured you your tea and carefully held it out for you.

"Glad you've been resting though, feel better?" He asked as he sat on the edge of the bed and took a sip of his tea. Although he didn't speak much, he was very stiff, he didn't have his usual relaxed carefree demeanor.

So, the question he asked flew right over your head as you opened your mouth, "Are you alright?" he paused for a moment before looking at you and chuckling softly, gently blowing on his tea.

"Do I not look ok?" he inquired, "You just look tense, stiff." you sipped your tea and watched your reflection within the ripples of the tea. "Hah, well I have a lot of worries in life, I think it makes sense that I'm tense." he chuckled and shrugged.

You glanced at him before looking at your reflection again, watching the faintest light in your eyes glisten. He seemed just fine, normal as usual, but you couldn't help but feel that it was late, and he was trying to stay up as late as he could..for whatever reason.

"If you're going to be up late.." You began, gently rubbing the rim of your cup with a quiet sigh, he lifted his head and gave you a curious look accompanied by a raised brow.

"I don't know if I'll be able to sleep at a good time, and if i am going to be your bodyguard, after i finish my tea i think it would be best i accompany you." you looked up, meeting his cold eyes with your own until he lowered his head with a defeated smile.

"Well, you're quiet, so i see no reason to say no." He hummed and took a swig of his tea, and so did you. "When Sigewinne returns she can come by my office to double check your vitals before you return to your room." He stated and got up, setting the teacup on top of the books on its saucer.

"I thought you would try and fight me on it, to be honest.." you admitted and sat up straight, finishing the tea before holding it carefully in one hand while you got up. "Your reasoning is sound enough, and you're not very disruptive, so i don't see why not." he shrugged and held his hand out for the teacup.

You carefully placed it in his hand while sitting up and stretching, slumping a bit afterwards with a sigh. You pulled the blanket down and got up, your legs were far weaker than you expected. Seeing you stumble a bit and struggle to get your balance, The Duke smiled to himself and shook his head.

"Want a hand?" he offered with a polite smile, you looked over and thought for a moment before shaking your head and standing straight, "No, people are already making presumptions of our relationship. If i were to struggle with walking while relying on your help, that only paints a worse picture."

He shrugged, about to open his mouth to retort but you swiftly interrupted him "And don't you have to carry the teapot and such back?" and so, with that comment this mini argument had ended, if you can even call it that considering he didn't even get a chance to input.

And now, you two were walking back to his office, you had the books he had previously brought for you, while he carried his tea set, entirely unbothered by the confused looks people gave him.

It must've been comical and confusing, The Duke carrying a delicate tea set alongside someone he's barely known for a few weeks. Even in the silence shared between you two could you feel a little more comfortable while being looked at by so many people. 

"What kind of paperwork do you have to do to keep this place from imploding?" You enquired with a small smile, being alongside him, you felt oddly at peace, comfortable enough to ask silly questions at least.

Wriothesley seemed just slightly surprised before chuckling, "What kind? Paperwork is paperwork." He shrugged. "How specific..." You sighed and looked away from him and ahead at where you were walking, "Why so curious?" he hummed and tilted his head.

"I Dunno, if I'll be stuck in your office with you, I at least want to know what the paperwork's about..." you shrugged and adjusted the weight of the books in your hands a bit to stretch your arms one at a time.

"It's not that interesting, sometimes its contracts regarding the machinery or Gardemeks. Sometimes it's less legal stuff." He chuckled; his tone obviously playful. "Huh." You stopped walking once you both had made it to the door to his office.

You tried to move the books in your arms to open the door, but Wriothesley already had that handled, opening the door and stepping inside, looking back and waiting for you to follow. "Ah.. thank you..." He nodded and closed the door and followed you up the stairs, "I didn't think the top dog down here would be such a gentleman."

He smiled and shrugged, "I guess i'm just good at having two sides, i wonder if you'll ever see the not-so gentleman version of me?" He smiled, charming but taunting you in some way.

He set the tea set down carefully and looked over as you set the books down and sorted them back onto the bookshelf. "The silence..-" he began but said 'silence' was interrupted by the usual sound of the factory at work.

"Mhm?" You hummed and looked over as he sat down at his desk and began looking through the papers before him. "Never mind, have a seat and get comfortable.. we'll be here for a while." He stated and fell silent.

You nodded and sat down on the little sofa off to the side and relaxed a bit, havinf kept one of the books to read while he worked.

Now the office has truly been enveloped in a peaceful silence, Wriothesley working silently at his desk, besides the sound of paper shuffling about, it was peaceful..

Too young to hold on
          And too old to break free
                                              and run

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Prey Vision (Wriothesley x Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα