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Hello! I'm Katie the author of this 'book' of course. This is my first ever story or book whatever you want to call it that I have written. So i'm really sorry if it's bad or anything. And there may be spelling errors which I will try my best to fix, if I see them, I am a bit dyslexic so really sorry about that.

There will be smut in this story, hopefully it's not to bad since I've never written stuff like this. I'm a complete amateur.

Also, I am accepting any suggestions that you the reader would like to have, anything will be fine but of course I may not do all the suggestions because of the plot I already have in mind for this story. Just comment on this for any suggestions, thank you

BEFORE I FORGET, the story will follow the actual plot from the anime just with a twist y'know, and of course NONE of this is canon.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy.
Love, Katie 💗

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