𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘦 (𝘦𝘭𝘪)

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i sit at my kitchen table working on a project that was recently assigned for science. it was a giant 700 word essay which probably isn't even possible but it would if i just focused hard enough and maybe cheated off of eli? i had to wait until he got home from karate practice to ask him for some tips to making my essay longer. he had always been an amazing writer and i hope he persues a career in writing, like an author or an editor for a newspaper or magazine. whenever i see him writing i see a small smile on his face and he loves to show me and all his friends the work he's created. it just makes my heart happy to see him like that, doing something he loves and not caring what other people think (sort of).

i finish the draft of my third paragraph as i hear the front door unlock and creak open. i smile to myself as i can finally hear about eli's day and how it went. maybe even telling him i have a massive essay to write would make his day, you know, doing dumb school work about writing. the door closes and i get up from the table leaving all my school supplies laying there waiting to be used for once.

i hear a sniffle coming from his direction and i freeze. i don't know how to act when people cry around me so when eli cries it's so difficult for me to be genuine and give him advice. but as his girlfriend i feel the bare minimum for me is to just be there to support him and his troubles. if i think really hard maybe i can say something supportive. he walks over to the couch and slouches down, bringing his legs to his torso and sighing before letting his head drop. i slowly walk over behind him and plant a small light kiss on his dead before sitting next to him, placing my arm around him and laying my head on his.

we sit in an uncomfortable silence before i break the ice wanting to know who did this to him. "baby, what happened? did someone say something to you?" he stops crying for a second. i don't move in anticipation to see what he is about to say, i don't even dare breath.

"it was kyler." of course it was, it always is. i should've guessed. kyler has been terrorizing eli since the day they met. it breaks my heart to see kyler bully such an innocent guy, he's done nothing wrong. it's only kyler's insecurities that make him that way.

"but," he pauses and gets up from the couch before wiping his eyes, "it wasn't a big deal so don't worry about it." he heads towards his bedroom but i grab his wrist before he can travel a few feet away from me. i gesture back to the couch and he reluctantly sits back down. "you know, you don't have to be so stoic all the time. crying isn't a sign of weekness. you can't keep it all bottled up, you'll just explode if you don't let it out."

he pauses for a second, debating sitting back down. he comes to a conclusion and sits criss-cross in front me. i grab his hands and squeeze it slightly, which lets him know that im here for him and love him. hopefully he picks up on that. "go ahead and cry. i won't judge you; ever. would you like to talk about it? what did kyler say to you?"

i knew what the answer was already but i wanted to hear it from him. he never acknowledged his scarred lip from his surgery because he thinks it makes him a freak. i don't think so. i love it so much, it's so unique and it feels so magical and amazing when we kiss. in a good way obviously. i tell him that all the time but he doesn't listen, he just tunes it out but takes kyler's to heart. we all do it but don't admit to doing it so i can't judge him for it but it breaks my heart to see him like that.

"he i look sped with my lip," he says hiccuping between each word. oh. my. god. why would he say something like that? that's so offensive to so many people, including eli. he lowers his head and a single tear falls from his eye. i grab his cheeks with my hands and lift his head to face me. i wipe his tears with my thumb and plant a gentle kiss on his forehead. "eli moskowitz. i love you with my whole heart and my whole body i would do anything for you, you know that right?"

he nods his head and a small hiccup escapes his mouth. i chuckle slightly and pause for a moment so i can gather my thoughts to make him feel better. "why do you care so much about what kyler thinks? he's a whole year younger than you and you are letting him beat yourself up about this. please don't take his words to heart. everything he says is just because he is insecure and is trying to distract himself from his own insecurities."

he smiles but i know what im saying isn't helping. i don't know what else to say.

"your beauty never scared me. i love how unique you are and how beautiful the scar makes you. your feelings are valid and i understand why you are so sad. it's not you, your scar makes you so amazing and honestly so sexy but i can't say that," he interrupts my speech with a slight chuckle so hopefully what im saying is working, "it's not you, eli. its him, it's kyler and his goons just wanting to rile you up and get you all angry. if you want i can stay by your side whenever you like so when kyler is around i can intimidate him maybe. you've also been learning karate so maybe that could help you protect yourself against him if you ever need it."

he smiles and stops crying for a little bit. "here, let me go get some ice cream and we can just slouch around all day." i give him a quick peck on the lips before getting up and grabbing us a pint of ice cream to snack on while we watch a movie.

i come back with not only the ice cream i promised, but loads of candies, blankets, tissues, and a selection of dvds with all his favorite movies. he picks his favorite and as i get settled i opened up the ice cream tub and candies. "i love you so much don't ever forget that. i know a little karate myself so maybe we can go beat up kyler together. his small muscles are definitely just for show."

"i mean we could but only when he's not with his small-dick goons," he replies putting a reeces in his mouth and getting under the blankets. i laugh loudly as i shove a large spoon of ice cream into my mouth.

"and you know," i pause popping an m&m in my mouth. "i have a few insecurities of mine that i used to get bullied for so while i might not know exactly how you feel, i do understand. if you ever wanna talk about this or anything else im always here."

"really? you would do that?"

"that's what girlfriends are for. now hush i'm watching ratatouille."

"don't you have an essay to write?"

"who told you about that?"


a/n: i hope u enjoyed it was definitely sad at the beginning but i hope you liked the happy ending. also i wrote a few books but i don't know if im any good at writing so please give feedback and tell me if its cringe i promise i won't cry 🙏

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