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"Have a baby by me, baby be a millionaire."- Baby By Me by 50 cent

"I think I have a better idea of what to do with this" Percy mischievously smirked, pointing at Medusa's head. He picks it up and starts flipping through an address book.

"Hermes Express, Medusa shipped things all over. Some of it went to Olympus." He said, yet Soph was still confused about where he was going with it.

"Percy, you can't ship Medusa's head to Olympus," Annabeth spoke again, annoyed at Percy for his ignorance.

"Why not?" He asked cluelessly, Soph just shook her head. She knew it wasn't a good idea, everyone knew it wasn't.

"Because the gods won't like it," Annabeth argued.

"At all," Grover agreed.

"Perce, no are you kidding?" Soph nodded.

"Why?" The blonde boy continued to push his idea. "Tha's what you do with dangerous stuff. Like batteries, you just send them back where they came from." 

"Okay, look." Annabeth tried to explain. "This is a  bad idea. The gods will see this impertinent." 

"I am impertinent," Percy smirked, looking at Soph wanting to see if she was looking at him. She just smiled back locking eyes with Percy. 

"Perce, you might be but we are not." Soph establishes, pointing at Grover and Annabeth.

"Really, very not," Grover added. 

"Look Medusa tried to derail our quest. She's got serious beef with Annabeth's mom. When you look at it that way, this seems kinda like a tribute or something, doesn't it." Percy said putting Medusa's head in a box. 

"And besides," He started to take Annabeth's hat off of Medusa's head. "This way,  a part of your mom is still with us."

"Thank you." Annabeth thanked.

"Well I don't know Perce, this is kind of  bad when you think about it in other ways I don't know?" Soph questioned, concerned about whether or not this was a terrible idea.

"Look there are actual dancers involved here that can't be-" Grover started but was cut off by Percy's clapping. "You're going to sing the song aren't you?" 

Soph giggled and joined in the clapping with Percy. They exchanged flirty looks with each other as they started clapping faster.

"Oh golly, the roads getting bumpy." Percy and Soph began to sing, laughing with each other. Soph could see that Grover was genuinely annoyed at the both of them (understandably.) 

"Consensus," Soph added, causing Percy to smile. He just stared at her while she laughed. 

She looked so perfect, the way her dimples indented when smiled. Percy loved her smile, if he could choose his favorite physical appearance on Soph he would choose her smile. The way it lit up a room. Her smile alone was enough to make Percy smile. And her laugh, he had never seen a more perfect girl in his life. 

In the end, Percy wore the 3 of them out so much that they let him ship Medusa's head to Olympus. 

*Time skip*

They were all boarding on their train to continue their quest. Trains were new for Soph, unlike everyone else. 

When they boarded they all had to pick out they're sleeping arrangements. 

"Okay so if me and Grover are sleeping in the two beds that means Sophie-" Annabeth was saying until Soph cut them off

"You guys can call me Soph, both of you, unless you guys don't want to"

Pretty Like the Ocean (oc x percy jackson)Where stories live. Discover now