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"I thought that I was dreamin' when you said you love me the start of nothin' I had no chance to prepare, I couldn't see you comin' the start of nothing"- Ivy by Frank Ocean

Soph woke up today with her head swimming with thoughts of Percy. She's not entirely sure if it's just a friendship thing or if there's something more going on there. She's always seen Grover as a great friend, but she never thought about him the way she constantly thinks about Percy. Lots of guys have liked her in the past, but she never thought of it she just chose to ignore it. All she wants is someone who can make her smile and hold a good conversation..like Percy.

She took a peek out of her window and saw the sunrise starting to form, knowing she would have to wake up soon anyway she went out there and watched. The sunrise was just beginning and she knew it would be beautiful. She loved watching the sky and the way the colors were always perfectly contrasting against each other and how it changed every second of the day. But most of all looking at the sky she thought her dead dad was up there making the sky beautiful for her every second of the day. Her dad died in a car crash right before Grover told her everything about who she was.

Her dad loved her very much and treated her with unconditional love. The day he died will forever be the worst day of her life, she had to live with Grover and his "family" for a very short period before she left for camp-half blood. Nothing was more confusing than the 1 month that everything happened. She would never wish for Percy's arrival to be similar to hers.

Right then she heard footsteps coming from behind her. She looked back to see Percy walking out to her.

"Can I sit?" He asks, pointing to the seat on the bench.

"Ya of course."

"The sky is beautiful isn't it," Soph told Percy

"The sunrise is pretty, it reminds me of you, you're the sun shining through the dull night making everything colorful again." He warmly smiled at me, I felt my heart sing and the butterflies in my stomach release.

"Percy you're the perfect friend, before I came here my only genuine friend was Grover but he spent his time protecting you and being a satyr. And you came and now I don't feel alone because you're here." FRIEND?! WHY DID I SAY FRIEND?!? Soph thought to herself.

He looked up at Soph with a smile on his face, she smiled back giggling at him.

"Percy, you're pretty like the ocean on a sunny day," Soph said as she looked into his deep blue eyes.

"Soph you're pretty like a garden of tulips with bright colors."

They both spent the next minutes in silence, not in awkward silence though, comforting silence. He just called me pretty, pretty like tulips with bright colors. He was thoughtful with his words, he said I'm the sun shining through the dull night for him. I've never received a compliment so in-depth with emotion and thoughtfulness. Percy Jackson was something. Soph thought to herself.

Uh oh... Percy thought. She has something in her hair. Do I get it for her or tell her so she gets it herself? But she can't see how she is supposed to know where it is?! He thought lightly freaking out.

"You have something in your hair" Percy blurted, he reached down for the leaf that was resting on top of her head. He carefully took it out of her hair making sure he didn't mess up her perfect blowout look. Soph's hair was soft and beautiful, she looked up as he took the leaf out of her hair, causing Percy to blush a little.

"Thank you, Percy," she says feeling her face get hot, she was blushing a little too much. Has he noticed the blush? She thought to herself, embarrassed.

Then all the cabins started to make their way out headed to the station of training of their choice. "Percy! We can go to training stations to see what you're talented at now!" she said super bubbly "EEEEE!"

Her excitement spread over to him. "Yes! Where do you want to go first?" He asked.

"Well me personally I'm pretty amazing at archery want to head there first?" She was still excited.

"Sure why not!"

Now Soph was practically jumping "C'mon let's go! Also Luke always goes there first so we can train with him, you two are pretty close now right?"

"Ya, we are" Percy responded. What if she just wants to see Luke, what if she likes Luke and not me? The feeling of over jealousy quickly set in but Percy brushed it off because he wanted to be in a good mood preferably.

"Percy watch what Sophie does, sees how she pulls her string back to her nose and aims it towards the target?" Luke was showing Percy how to do archery and was using Soph as an example. Soph let go of the string and the arrow flew out right into the middle.

"Good job Sophie, or can I call you Soph now?" Luke asked Soph, with a smirk on his face.

"Sophie's okay but thanks Luke" Soph doesn't like being called Soph by many people. Her dad used to call her every day, so it holds more importance than most think. To be honest it surprised her to think of how quickly she let Percy call her Soph.

"Oh." Luke retorted disappointedly.

"Okay, Percy's turn!" She exclaimed excitedly but especially trying to change the subject.

They walked Percy through it together. He wasn't perfect at archery... he was horrible, but of course, Soph wouldn't say that to his face.

"You make it look so easy," Percy complained, talking about Soph.

"It's okay, we'll find the thing you're good at, I know we will," Luke told Percy, trying to keep his spirits high.

Next, they all tried sword making together where it was an unfortunate fail where Percy somehow managed to cause a fire? They all decided to sit down for lunch but it left Percy feeling down.

"Is there a Greek God of disappointment?" Percy said sarcastically while eating the camp food, which was never good. "Maybe someone should ask him if he's missing a kid."

"Oizys," Chris told them Luke and Soph gave each other the look like someone needed to shut him up. "But she's a goddess. And her whole thing isn't a disappointment, it's more like a failure."

"Not the time Chris," Luke told him.

Percy just looked up with a scared expression. Soph tried to lighten everything up with her light personality

"Oh, Percy will be amazing. I know it, trust me, Percy."

"Thanks" he muttered, he didn't believe her.

a/n- GUYS I WAS LEGIT GIGGLING AND KICKING MY FEET WRITING THIS. IDK why but this chapter was so cute to me for no specific reason. Soph needs to give me her game card tho bc why does she always look flawless and pulls LUKE AND PERCY LIKE UGHHHH

Pretty Like the Ocean (oc x percy jackson)Where stories live. Discover now