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"Nothin' but love for you" - Broken Clocks by SZA

The large desert went on for miles, Percy was right in the middle of it, dunes the size of tsunamis surrounded him. He didn't know how he got here or why all he knew was that it wasn't a good place. A voice came out of nowhere.

"He left you here, he left you here with nothing." The voice creepily said.

"I know how you feel. You want what's been taken from you. You want justice."

Everything started to cave in and right as he was about to die, Percy woke up from his terrible nightmare.

He let out a loud gasp, it caused the attention of the cabin to be directed to him. He looked around, self-aware of the embarrassment he just caused himself. "I guess I'm a freak in every place," he thought to himself.

"You, okay?" Luke asked, he was tall with short black hair. This was nothing new to him he'd seen this happen plenty.

"Super" Percy replied sarcastically.(so Persassy of him)

Luke explained that everyone had this happen to them in camp half-blood demigods just see the world differently the way normal humans do.

"For the first time in your life, you're just like everyone else."

This was amazing to hear for Percy for his whole life he wanted to be nothing but 'normal.'

Luke talked to him about the 'normalities' that go on in camp half-blood like how no one can explain what the Gods do and that some in the Hermes cabin are claimed like Luke and others not like Percy

"Spend too much time trying to figure out why the Gods do whatever it is they do, you'll drive yourself crazy. Sooner you stop worrying about that, the sooner you can enjoy what this place has to offer." Luke told Percy

"And what's that"


Everyone in the Hermes cabin started to gradually make their way out including all the other cabins, and that's when he spotted Soph, coming out of the Aphrodite cabin. He waved to her which was well received by a cheerful smile and wave from her.

Yes! Soph thought to herself, this was the start of a good friendship with one kid her age wasn't it? She walked over and stood by as she listened to Luke explain glory to Percy, it was a strange concept to think about but has been accepted by all the demi-gods, no one has questioned it.

At that moment Ares clique came walking over with Clarisse the ruthless(but annoying) leader of the clique in front.

Percy bumped into her shoulder on accident but I guess Clarisse saw that as a challenge as she pushed him to the ground. Soph knew what was about to start and just as Luke was talking about she happened to have a little bit of glory.

"Leave him alone. Clarisse, it's his first day here." Soph scoffed at Clarisse as she helped Percy up to the ground. Soph had a special place in her heart for the hatred of Clarisse. Clarisse was coming from a place of anger all the time. Clarisse has no right to treat people the way she does and unfortunately for her, Soph was someone she decided was her target when she first joined camp.

"Wait, so this is the kid who supposedly killed the minotaur right?" She snarkyly remarked.

Percy nodded too scared to respond, I don't blame him one thing Clarisse is amazing at is being terrifying.

"I'll bet. Look, you want attention around here dummy? You better be ready for when it comes," she emphasized to show that she didn't believe Percy's story about killing the Minitour

She teased him more jumping at Percy causing him to flinch back in fear, she and her minions just laughed at him and walked away.

"Well they seem nice," Percy remarked, annoyed at the way they were all laughing at him.

"They're stuck up, that's what they are, and I hate all of their guts," Soph angrily expressed.

Percy was surprised it wasn't typical for her to talk like this; she must've dealt with the same stuff for much longer than him to feel that much hatred.

"They don't mess with you two do they?" Percy asked both Soph and Luke.

"They don't mess with me because they know better, they used to make it a daily thing to tease Sophie though. But now they don't, she earned glory."

Percy notices how Luke calls her Sophie rather than Soph, he wonders if she only lets certain people call her 'Soph.'

"So I just have to earn glory and everyone will finally leave me alone, correct?"


"So if I achieve enough glory I would be such a big deal that he might not be able to ignore me for any longer than he would have no choice but to claim me."

"You can't essentially make the gods do anything but I guess that's the spirit of it," Soph explained. "But we'll help you find what you're good at to start your journey to try to get your father to claim you."

"Thanks Soph"  

"Of course Percy" She gave him a big smile and a side hug had her feeling flustered immediately. She didn't expect that reaction from herself, she just thought of him as a friend right? So she didn't understand why it was a big deal for her. She's hugged many people before but none of them left her feeling as flustered as she does now.

"I have to go meet up with my cabin, see you later Percy, and you too Luke."

As she was walking away. Percy admired her beauty, how her long perfect hair rested on her shoulder, and her headband that she always wore framing her face perfectly. She had tan skin and everything about her face was perfect. Her deep blue eyes, her light freckles, her pink lips, everything. 

"Wow Percy becoming friends with the pretty popular girl on day one, you're going to do just fine here." He said, elbowing him. Percy snapped back out of his haze and chuckled.

"Yeah, she's really sweet." He said blushing just a little, enough for Luke to notice at least.

Oh my gosh, Luke thought to himself, seriously? He's been trying to get closer to Soph for months with smooth lines and complimenting her every single day on everything possible. Percy came in and now he's already closer with her than he's seen her be with anybody. She was the girl that a lot of guys wanted but especially Luke and he knew Percy had a little hint of something for her as well.

a/n - GUYS THE PERCY X SOPH STARTSSSS. Also new episode in the Pjo series (ep 5) THE PERCABETH WAS SO GOOOODD. I know it doesn't really exist int this story but IN THE SERIES IT'S SO FREAKING CUTE I ACTULLY CAN'T

word count-1120

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