(V6) Chapter 3.1

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"HEYO, Hirata." I called out to the man Infront of me.

"Ah, Shinjiro-kun. You're participating in the 2nd study group, correct? Because of Karate Club?"

"Mhm. I missed a bit, so they want me to participate more. I am learning quite a bit."

It has seemed like I've adapted to it rather quickly. Although I don't need to be in a study group, I suppose I'll act like I need help. My grades aren't amazing in this class anyway.

"It's alright, sessions are about to start very soon."

Right... Karuizawa, Kushida, Hirata, me, Sudou, Shinohara and several others were participating in the 2nd study group. Besides Hirata and maybe Sudou, I'm not too close with either of them. The session starts late due to club activities, which was perfect for those were participate in clubs.

"Very soon? How's soon is that?"

"Within 20 minutes really." That's very soon alright.

Thankfully the club ended about 35 minutes ago, so it was enough time for me to get to the sessions.

"Might as well get there early, huh?" I suggested. "Wouldn't want to be late. Especially for your girlfriend."

"Yeah... you're right. Let's get going."

Me and Hirata started walking and picking up the pace. In all honesty, I'm not close with Hirata. Besides really the deserted island exam and him trying to help me during the zodiac exam, I don't have any personal connections with him. Not that I want to be his best friend or something, but maybe at least have something to talk about.

"Hirata... you play soccer, don't you?"

Hirata appeared to be slightly surprised but nodded his head in confirmation.

"I happen to play soccer beforehand as well. Back in elementary school. I was a very good player."

I wasn't boasting. I was one of, if not...no. I was the best in the school. It mainly came from playing soccer a lot in my free time back then. 

"Eh, really!? I would figure you'd join the soccer club or something... n-not that anything's wrong with the karate club! Just hearing that... you know. you were the 'best' in your school." Hirata reasoned, tilting his head a little.

"I wasn't professional or anything, but my parents did want me to try be the best in every or any field, or at least try my absolute hardest. Of course, I just so happen to fall off."

When all of that was happening. It made things truly worse.

"So instead, I decided to fully stop upon entering middle school. From there on, I also took an interest in martial arts."

I felt like I was slowly telling my backstory or childhood to Hirata, so I decided to stop it right there.

"So yeah. If I were to play soccer, I might be a bit rusty."

"You know, in our free time I can teach you the basics again?"

"Oi oi! I'm not that rusty!"  Hirata laughed at my reaction.

"I'm kidding. Though in all seriousness, I could try to teach you again."

Father Hirata teaching me... I think that'll be fun.

Of course, I'm still not joining the soccer club... maybe later. Who knows, the ones teaching me in karate club are mainly 3rd years. 2nd years are more so in line for teaching the 1st years later on, so I suppose the 2nd years who want to teach are getting taught by the 3rd years...

The School Full of Elite Students: (V5-V11.5) Classroom of the Elite x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now