(V5) Chapter 4.1

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THE bell rang, and the second half of the sports festival began. It was time for the recommended participants' events. Only elite students from each class would take part in the remaining four competitions. Later on, the afternoon competitions would start.
"At least we beaten Class A."


We won against Class A in the four-way tug of war. However even with that, the results were still the same.

"I don't think Sudou-kun's coming back."

"Hirata, are you going to pay for the next competition, too?"

"Yeah, I am. We need it." he replied.

Hirata had paid two times so far, once for Sudou and once for Horikita, who'd also planned to participate in the four-way tug-of-war. That was no small expense. If he had to pay for the next competition, the total would be 300,000 points. No matter how many private points he said he had, that was still far too much.

I paid for Sudou once, costing me 100,000 points. This was primarily because Ayanokouji forced me into a situation as such. I mean, I had enough, but I don't want to spend that much, you know?

"Well, Sudou aside, Horikita should be able to repay you." Ayanokouji said. Fortunately, Horikita had obtained a ton of points from the last exam, much like Hirata. "Shouldn't you just let them bear the point burden this time? The participants, I mean."

"You might be right, but 100,000 points is a lot, and it's hard to save that many. Also, I'm the one who gave the go-ahead to use substitutes, so I can't exactly go asking for points." he replied.

"Don't you think the people who withdrew are the ones to blame?"

Besides, Sudou had punched Hirata. But Hirata didn't really dwell on that.

"I suppose there's the class's victory to think about, but if we place well here, our winnings will give us an advantage on future tests. It's better if people participate. But if they have to pay their own way, a lot of students will probably pass on subbing for Sudou."

The students who most needed points for tests also suffered frequent financial troubles. They couldn't risk losing both money and test scores.

The only competitions that remained were the mixed-gender three-legged race and the last event, the 1200-meter relay. Hirata was going to see if anyone wanted to participate, but at that moment, Kushida came running over to him.

"Um, Hirata-kun, would you mind if I helped, too? I'd like to participate in the three-legged race. Of course, I'll pay the points for it. Is that okay?"


"I can't let you bear this burden alone. Besides, I want to try my best for the class, and for Horikita-san and Sudou-kun's sake."

"Since you're pretty good at sports, Kushida-san, your offer is welcome."

"Thank you. I'll go tell Chabashira-sensei that I'll participate in Horikita-san's place, then," said Kushida. With that, she ran off.

"Now for a guy. I'll ask around." said Hirata.

Hey, Hirata. Could I go in as Sudou's substitute? I'll pay the points. I can't guarantee I'll be much help, but I'll try." Ayanokouji said.

"Well... Yeah, sure. I don't mind, of course, but...are you okay with that?" asked Hirata.

"I don't feel right making you shoulder this alone. Besides, I'm a little anxious about the next test. I'd like to get at least one extra point."

With Hirata's permission granted, he went after Kushida, interrupting the conversation she was already having with Chabashira-sensei.

"Shinjiro-kun, I've been noticing you haven't been as talkative as before." Hirata began talking with me.

"After the island exam, I haven't been talkative. Even before, I haven't been as talkative."

"Yeah but... again it's your own choice but you should really tell the situation that happened."

"No, that'll just place more attention onto me than there already is. Besides, people don't want to talk to me. I don't care. It's their own decision." I explained.

Besides, it's not really bothering me... but besides that, there's also the fact that I'd have to think and plan a lot more now.

The difference in both teams have changed, yes. Although we're somehow not winning, it wasn't as bad as in canon. In truth, we're about 300 - 400 points below the Red Team. There's still a chance we can win.

...However, Ayanokouji's goal isn't to win, and that sucks. Besides, even if we do, we're still staying as Class C.

Considering that Ayanokouji is currently conversing with Kushida, he's exposing her.

To be fair, I could've gone up to Hirata and proposed a simple strategy.

Make multiple participation tables. Submit one at random. Then tell everyone of their roles after it has been submitted.

This was also a strategy Ayanokouji thought of before. By doing that in the beginning, our class would know of each participation table, but not which one would be submitted.

Thus, while I watch the mixed gender three-legged race, I sensed hostility between Ayanokouji and Kushida. It looks like it happened. Regardless, Horikita is still talking with Sudou.

The Relay Race is coming up, and it will be a race I will not falter in.


Word Count: 821 Words

The School Full of Elite Students: (V5-V11.5) Classroom of the Elite x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now