7 •He Is Not Gentle🔥

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Ciel Phantomhive

"I must remind you, bocchan. I am a demon... The very same cruel beast you made a contract with to avenge your deceased parents."

"I believe it is a bit too late for such a warning, hm?"


The young boy sat before the kneeling demon triumphantly, a smirk on his lips as he pressed his heel on the man's shoulder.

He'd moved them to the front of his bed, with him sitting with one leg crossed over the other, and the demon kneeling at his feet.


The boy cocked his head to the side as he stared at the demon.

His hands were tied behind his back, and he never drug his gaze from his master.

It made an odd shiver run up the Earl's spine.

"I am quite bored, Sebastian. Entertain me, will you?"

The demon's eyes narrowed rather sharply, and they swirled a deep red color, as if it were a pool of freshly spilled blood.

He stood up quietly, causing the boy to strain his neck upwards to keep eye contact.

The Master's eyes shone with amusement.

"Speak. That is an order."

"How troublesome."

The bluenettes brow quirked upwards sharply.


He tugged the demon closer by his tie, so close that their lips brushed for a mere moment.

"I thought you enjoyed trouble."

A deep chuckle.

"So it seems."

The boy frowned briefly before he pointed to the bed, his bright, bicolored eyes gleaming in the setting sun.

The sun barely peaked from above the horizon, and the Earl slowly slipped out of his black heels, revealing the dark, knee-length socks.



The demon was seated on the bed, as he was instructed, and watched as the little Lord had stood and kicked off his shoes before standing in front of him.

Blasted demon...

Even with the demon being seated, he was just eye level.

Must I truly eat spinach...?

"What has caught your attention?" Sebastian's voice pulled the Earl out of his thoughts.

"You haven't broken out of your restraints." He commented.

Sebastian's eyes fell to his hands, which were tied up professionally in front of him.

"My Master clearly wishes for me to be tied up... So I will remain tied up."

The demon then paused.


"How is it that you were able to make such a perfect knot?"

The Earl's face remained impassive, even though his heart had began racing at the question.

He'd taught himself, to embarrassed to ask anyone else, whether they be a stranger or a professional, when he was a tad bit younger. Perhaps when he was fourteen.

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