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Diluc frown as he heard Leonard giggling and running from the maids once again. It was hard for him to concentrate on his paperworks since the sound of his son's voice was highly distracting. But his frown disappeared when he sees his son burst through the office door and jumped onto his lap. Diluc's lips curve upward at the sight of his son's bright smile as he wrap his arms around Diluc.

"Papa! Look what I drew!"

Diluc look down at Leonard's hand and his paper is filled with different kinds of plants and animals from Tevyat. Recently Leonard has been obsessed with plants and animals, especially after he looked through a biology book in the library. Diluc couldn't help but notice that Leonard's love for biology was similar to his mother, Y/N.

"Wow! They all look so lively."

Leonard was pleased by his father reaction and points at a dandelion, "This is a dandelion and it grows in Mondstadt City. But I found some by the riverbank near our house so that means they can also grow elsewhere as well. When Aunt Jean comes to visit again, I'll give her the dandelions I collected around our house!"

"That sounds like a good idea. I'm sure Aunt Jean will like that."

For the past 5 years, Diluc has adapted to his new life as a single father to Leonard. Thought he initially took Leonard in due to obligations, he started to really love Leonard as his child. Not only was he smart, polite, and playful, but he reminded Diluc a lot of the times when he was his age. Not to mention, Leonard was growing up to look like his exact copy of him along with his bright personality as a youth.

Most of the time when he's busying running the winery or going out at night to protect Mondstadt, the maids and his butler were the one who covered for him and raised Leonard from a baby to the little boy he is now.

"Leonard! Leave your father alone, he's working right now!"

Emma barge into the office and bows her head deeply at Diluc, "I apologize, Master Diluc. Leonard sneaked past me and managed to escape from me and Berlin."

"It's quite alright. He's is causing you and the others quite the trouble recently. What do you have to say to Ms. Emma, Leonard?"

"Sorry Ms. Emma..."

"Oh it's alright! Just don't bother your father while he's working," She picks him up, "We have to get you ready for your first tutoring session so no more running around and hiding from me."

Diluc look at the clock across his room and it seems like the tutor he hired will be coming in around 15 more minutes, "You better head to the library. The tutor will arrive very soon."

Leonard groaned and Diluc smiles at him, "Now now, it's just for 4 hours. Papa will play with you after you finish."

Emma smiles, "Alright Leonard, let's go get your books and head to the library. Mr. Elias will be coming soon."

Leonard wave his father goodbye and took Emma's hand as they both walk out of the room together. Diluc smiles and chuckled at his kid.

'Seems like he also hates getting classes. How he reminds me so much of myself when I was his age.'


Later on in the evening, Diluc prepares to head out to Angel Shares to work a shift as a bartender. He puts on a white vest over his shirt before smiling and kneeling down to Leonard and ruffle his hair, "I'll be leaving now Leonard. Be a good boy and listen to the maids when they tell you to sleep ok?"

"Ok! Come back home earlier please!"

"Hahaha... I'll try but no promises."

Once Diluc made it to the tavern and tie his long hair up in a ponytail to prepare for his shift, he walks to the bar and begins serving the customers their drinks. It was a usual night for him at the tavern and nothing new has been coming up recently. The monsters in Mondstadt are appearing less frequently and it seems like none of the knights have been coming here for their usual drink since they're busy lately.

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