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As the four of you sip your drinks, a curiosity about Oikawa and Bokuto begins to stir within you. You ask about their lives and the story of their friendship, discovering with both delight and astonishment that these three boys have actually been friends since high school.

The three of them, though they attended different high schools, forged their friendship during volleyball tournaments. Post-graduation, they spent a memorable summer working retail jobs together, scraping up just enough money to sustain them through their first year on campus.

Kuroo had toyed with the idea of having Oikawa and Bokuto as roommates to fill the void as he waited for Kenma to finish high school. However, Kuroo knew better than to bring those two together under one roof. Their friendship, while cherished, had a knack for transforming any room into a whirlwind of chaos. As much as Kuroo adored them, he recognized the potential of them turning into distractions during his study sessions.

And it seems Bokuto and Oikawa were equally cognizant of this, choosing not to be roommates. Bokuto had mentioned living with a close friend while Oikawa shared that he dorms with his own childhood best friend.

This meant that Kuroo spent his first year in university alone in his apartment. The void led him to pursue casual hookups with girls that he'd meet on campus or at parties rather than inviting friends over.

And, of course, his friends don't know this about him. It's not a fact that he flaunts, nor is it something he takes pride in, being able to bring girls home but failing to make them stay.

Bokuto, being as curious as ever, asks and practically begs to see your apartment. You hesitate at first, but eventually give in and bring the boys across the hall and to your unit.

"It's really nice in here!" Oikawa marvels, appreciating the minimal yet tastefully decorated space. A pang of jealousy flickers within him, realizing his dorm lacks your aesthetic touch and taste for interior design. "I need you to help me with my own dorm someday."

"So cozy and neat in here," Bokuto enthuses as he explores your room, his comments and reactions drawing chuckles from you. "And your roommate's room?"

"It's not decorated yet," you explain. "She's still in the process of discussing with her family about permanently staying in the city."

While giving Oikawa and Bokuto a tour, Kuroo stumbles upon the old picture frame showcasing you, Yasha, and Ronan. The fact that you have it on display in your bedroom surprises him, especially after mentioning that you would keep it hidden unless your mother were to visit.

"You have this out," Kuroo mumbles, holding the picture up.

"Oh, right," you acknowledge, taking the frame from his hands. "After Ronan told me about my mother visiting, I became a bit paranoid. I've had it out ever since."

This is when you reveal the photo to Bokuto and Oikawa. Their immediate comments of disgust evoke laughter, and you find yourself in agreement with their remarks, as bad as they are.

"The cheater and the skank!" Oikawa jokes. "Honestly, just get rid of it. And if your mom asks about it, say you dropped it, and the frame broke or something."

"You shouldn't call people skanks!" Bokuto scolds, even though you secretly agree with Oikawa. "I just hope I never meet this Ronan and Yasha," he says with distaste, like they left a bitter flavour on his tongue. "If I do, they're gonna have to catch these hands!"

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