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The morning sun streams through the windows, casting a warm glow as you move about your apartment and get ready for the day ahead. It's a fresh start, another opportunity to explore the unfamiliar city and make it feel like home.

With a final look around your new apartment, you grab your bag and keys before heading towards the door. Just as you open it, you're met with a bit of a surprise. Kuroo, similarly prepared for the day, is stepping out of his apartment at the same time.

For a moment, you exchange surprised glances. Either the world saw this encounter coming, or Kuroo had somehow orchestrated it.

A small smirk graces Kuroo's lips as he offers a casual nod. "Well, isn't this a pleasant coincidence? Good morning."

You look up at him and return the smile. "Good morning to you, too."

Walking side by side down the hallway, your footsteps fall into sync as you head towards the elevator. Kuroo's hands casually grasp the straps of his backpack, and he turns to you with a conversational air. "Are you excited for your first day of classes?"

A faint sigh escapes you, and you shrug a shoulder. "Not really. I've got a three-hour lecture, and then I have my first lab. And the worst part," weariness tinges your voice, "I know absolutely nobody."

In an effort to uplift your mood, Kuroo playfully bumps his shoulder against yours. "That shouldn't be the worst part," he counters. "That should be the best part."

You give him a look and scoff. "Best part?"


"How? It's anxiety-inducing, and what if my professor is an asshole?"

Kuroo laughs at your reaction, the sound absolutely infectious. "But that's exactly why you moved here, right? To leave the people who wronged you and find a new circle who'll stand by you. And besides," he leans in a bit closer, his voice low, "you can't possibly be the only student going alone. As for the professor, well, that's a completely different story."

His reassuring words have a comforting effect, and a sense of gratitude blooms within you for having Kuroo's supportive presence. "You're making a lot of sense. I shouldn't worry about something that didn't even happen yet," you acknowledge his point. "You're right."

"Eh, what can I say? I'm always right," Kuroo jests, just before the elevator door slides opens with a soft ding.

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

After learning of your anxiety, Kuroo took it upon himself to accompany you to the nursing building, hoping his presence would alleviate your nerves. "Just take a deep breath," he advised, waving goodbye before making his way to his own class. "That's what I do whenever I become nervous."

Now, you stand by the wall, waiting for the lecture hall doors to open while practicing deep breaths. Other students gather around, engaging in group conversations while you maintain a slight distance. As much as you want to make friends, it's hard striking up small talk with random people.

If only you had Kuroo's friendly nature. We really are opposite sides of the same coin, you muse with a grin, secretly wishing he were still here beside you.

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