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Kuroo's hands cradle your face, drawing you close for a kiss. "Lay back."

As you settle comfortably on his bed, your gaze follows Kuroo as he clumsily sheds his pants and boxers. A nervous laugh bubbles from him as he kicks the garments aside before crossing to his bedside drawer.

He opens the top drawer, revealing some clutter and an open box of condoms. Kuroo lifts it, another wistful chuckle escaping him as he notes its full contents. Despite having this box for so long, he's never actually put one to use.

"Because I've never made it this far in the bedroom before," he admits as he withdraws one of the twenty-nine wrappers inside. "Well, the farthest I've made it was opening one of these, but I never used it, so it saw the trash right after."

As he eyes the condom, you reach out and hold his forearm gently, halting his movements. Here it is, you think. The nervous rambling that always stops him from ever getting past this point with a girl.

"Don't think about that right now," you urge, tugging him gently towards the bed. "I swear... we've been doing all of this dirty talk, but I have a good feeling that this is all still out of your comfort zone."

Kuroo's gaze flickers downwards, a ghost of a smile playing at his lips. "I could say the same for you."

You follow his gaze, watching as he turns the condom over in his fingers as if he's lost in thought. It's a shared moment of vulnerability, where the distance between you seems to shrink.

Both of you are excited. Both of you are scared. But to feel this way with someone you trust brings a sense of intimacy unlike any you've known.

You snatch the condom wrapper from Kuroo's hand. "This is going to be different," you mumble, shifting to make space for him on the bed, "because usually, it's the guy who makes the first time special for the girl. But since this is your first, I want to give you something I never had."

"Y/n," he starts, voice barely above a whisper. "What do you mean?"

As you kneel before him, you guide his hands to your back, allowing his fingers to trace the clasps of your corset. "Take it off me," you instruct gently.

His brow furrows slightly as he grapples with the corset, another endearing chuckle escaping him as he struggles with the clasps. A part of him wishes not to remove it, seeing that you look absolutely gorgeous in it, yet another part is yelling at him to rip it off your body.

"I..." another chuckle escapes him. "I need help."

You meet his hands at your back, guiding them as you undo the corset. Once it's loose, you let him toss it to the ground next to his pants and boxers. All that remains are the tight bands around your thighs, purple straps that seem perfect just where they are.

"Now," you start, "I want you to lean back against the headboard."

Kuroo blinks, then complies, shifting to rest against the headboard. His gaze follows as you grasp the condom wrapper between your teeth and tear it open — and just watching already has his cock twitching.

"I thought I was supposed to do that," he murmurs, already reaching for your waist.

"I know, but it's your first," you reply, leaning in to kiss him softly. "For now, let me be on top."

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