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You trail Kuroo down the road, through the echoing lobby of your apartment building, and directly into the awaiting elevator. He remains visibly perplexed, his unexpected run-in with your ex-boyfriend still fresh in his mind. Meeting Ronan today was the last thing he expected to happen, and he certainly didn't anticipate his venomous attitude.

"Why did you ever date someone like him?" Kuroo asks under his breath as the elevator's metal doors part on the eighth floor. You lead the way down the hall, his question hanging in the air. "He's real shitty for literally hunting you down."

"I know," you confess, a hint of regret colouring your words. Your past relationship with Ronan stands as a prominent misstep you deeply regret. If only you could somehow go back in time and stop yourself from dating him. "He's only here because of my mother. They stay in touch because they know that I live in Tokyo now, so they want to make sure that I behave and stay in line."

Kuroo nearly drops his keys from disbelief. "Are you serious?"

"Sadly, I am," you concede, your tone laced with resignation. "There's really nothing I can do. My mom is paying for most of my rent, so she has every right to control as much as she wants, even if it includes Ronan."

Upon learning more about your mother's involvement, Kuroo can't help but empathize with your predicament. He once thought Ronan was the primary obstacle in your life, but it appears your mother plays an equally influential role.

"If they really cared about you, they would just let you live your life." Kuroo says, successfully fitting his key into the lock and allowing you to step inside first.

You thank him before stepping inside and sliding off your shoes. "I know, but they don't care. That's the problem."

Kuroo sighs, a desire to liberate you from their control welling up inside him. He attempts to place himself in your shoes, realizing the heavy surveillance your mother and ex-boyfriend exert over your life, scrutinizing your every move and manipulating your actions.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with that," he says, his voice sincere and genuine.

"It's fine," you brush off his sympathy and follow him to the dining table, the same spot where you both shared ramen and soju just the previous night. "I'm used to it already."

"But you shouldn't be. It's not fair."

"Nothing in life is fair," you counter with a shrug.

"But it shouldn't be that way!" Kuroo insists, his frustration palpable, and you can't help but find his reaction endearing. Meeting him, someone who genuinely cares and empathizes with your situation, is a breath of fresh air. "It's your life. You should be the one living it."

You offer a small grin, at a loss for words. If only your parents would believe the truth about Ronan's actions, your life would undoubtedly be less complicated.

Seeking a change of topic, your thoughts drift back to the unexpected café encounter. "What were you doing at Yasuragi Café anyway? It's quite the coincidence that you happened to show up just when I was there with Ronan."

"Yeah, and it's a good thing I did. I saved your ass back there," Kuroo retorts, attempting to deflect the scrutinizing gaze you're directing his way. "I was there to do what I usually do," he lifts his coffee cup in the air, "to get a drink."

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