Chapter 0 - The Last Battle

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>Someones POV<

""...FIRE!" With that command, a whole path of the sea was covered in black smoke, hundreds if not a thousand guns of all calibres and origins fired at once, shells arching through the sky like mortars or flying at a flatter angle all towards one enemy, battleships and other heavy gunned ships standing in the back. In contrast, armoured cruisers stood in the front. The battle had officially started as everyone waited for their guns to reload and the smoke to clear, the sirens fired back, their lasers and shells breaking the smoke faster but still inaccurately as all missed "It seems we are finally pushing them back!" Someone said  from the back before the smoke cleared, and once it did, it showed a expected result as all the siren ships were still up, but by that point all of the medium calibre guns reloaded as a second salvo, just as dirty but with less of a punch was send towards the enemy and the enemy responded in kind as their vessels opened fire, the distance between the two fleets was a lot closer, even some of the old generation heavy guns could decrees their angles and have a much more accurate fire

"SPLIT THEIR T!" The command was repeated all the way back from the commanders flagship where it reached me and the rest of the cruisers as we yelled it further "SPLIT THEIR T" I yelled with the rest so that those at the front could hear, and they did, as the armoured cruisers opened their lines, torpedo boats and TB-destroyers were first to push through as the fast cruisers followed

Everyone knew the plan of battle like the back of their hand, Armoured Cruisers and other small but well-armed vessels were at the front, behind them were Torpedoe Boats and Destroyers, followed by fast cruisers of all types, then protected and light cruisers, semi-armoured cruisers after which were the miscellaneous armed and slow vessels and only then were the heavy guns, monitors, battleships and other ships that carried the true firepower of the fleet. Once we got close enough the armoured cruisers were to open their lines just like they did, similarly to a plug being pulled, letting everyone out and into the enemy, like water being drained from a tub, each ship keeping close but awaiting their turn while shooting at the enemy

It was my time to join the battle and as if luck would have it, I was passing right beside one of my own as she spoke having recognized me faster and speaking "Show them Hell Newark!" Maine yelled to me through the gunfire as she also just reloaded and I spoke to respond in kind "I will, Be-"

When I went back to my senses, I was around the battleships, this made me worry as I looked around in confusion since I shouldn't have been there, Kearsarge was next to me as she helped me up "They got Maine!" She yelled as I looked with horror at her "W-what!?" I said, not being able to believe it as I stood up, supporting myself by my knees, the touch dusting off the ash off my white Uniform only for it to once again be covered by a layer of ash as a nearby battleship fired "One of the sirens landed a lucky shot or something!" Kearsarge explained further as I finally straightened myself out, my rigging and guns once again ready to fight as that was everyone's current order and task "Where is she?" I asked, still unable to believe that she could have been sunk "Down under..." Kearsarge said shortly as she fired her 8-inch secondary guns

I wanted to cry and break down at hearing this, but there was no time for it, and I knew it wouldn't help as the battle for the Atlantic was upon us, the seemingly last battle that was the reason why I had my white uniform on instead of the combat one, the reason why everyone was looking their best right before the shooting started, our countries wanted everyone to look good on the victory parades once we came back, or at least have photos of us in ours' best if we were defeated

I remembered the sight as we left New York, everyone wearing clean white uniforms, our riggings with a new white and goldish-yellow paint job that got dirty the second we started firing, the Royal Navy and Iron Blood followed the same in terms of their riggings but their uniform followed their naval traditions, the sharp greys and blues of theirs was clear and elegant as ever, the Iris Orthodoxy and Sardegna Empire tried hard also to show off, and only the Italians managed as no matter how they tried the french abominations that were called ships could not be made pretty and so did their rigging no matter what they tried to do,

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