-Chapter 6-

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'' Lets play truth or Drink!'' Misha suggested. I shot a quick glare at Pin '' Everyone's playing!'' Alex added as I looked hesitant. '' Everyone grab a drink!'' Gabi laughed as people ran off me and Pin staying put '' come on everyone grab a cup and some achochl ! '' Lisha laughed trying to drag me away from Pin '' I  dont drink''  I said quickly '' Well Pin can? Everlee gets Water I guess''  Mia sighed me and Pin left and got our drinks returning to our places. '' Here are the rules. No baby questions it will go around someone will ask a question if you dont answer you take a sip. '' Misha said '' Has anyone got a family member they dont talk to'' Lisha began. I thought for a second and took a sip everyone else answering with a simple yes or no. '' Oh Everlee didnt say?'' Gabi teased '' theirs's too many'' I laughed. They counited on with some basic questions Like Crushes or all that. Me, Pin all the ones in a relationship answered with their partner.
suddenly a question I still dread came into the convosation '' Has anyone ever liked someone else while in a relationship and that would make you an absolute  horrible person?''  Mia asked.
''Shit'' I mumbled looking at Pin and not taking a sip '' No'' everyone said in-sync while Pin answered a few seconds after. ''Everlee?'' Zoe asked '' Hm? I am trying to decide within circumstances if I am included in this. I would go Yes but before Pin'' I mumbled.  Pin nodded half understanding. He knew I had an boyfriend before him.   Everyone else looked quite confused. it shifted back into truth or dare slowly but surely. '' Everlee! Truth or dare!'' Zoe laughed. '' Truth'' I muttered half asleep on Pin '' Who was that ex?'' Zoe shot. 
I quickly rose up from my spot and mumbled things. '' Uh... What do you want his name?'' I asked ''Yeah Ev's Who is he'' Josh laughed '' Name and Picture'' Lisha appeared. '' Oh..'' I said getting my phone and looking for a picture. I finally found one. not great at all but it was the only one I could find. '' uhh heres a picture. Thats Jax '' I said quickly before he magically appeared. '' Oh Everlee hey!'' He laughed '' Oh wow... Ay Ay! Back up'' I laughed. 
'' No Im not trying to violate your restraining order'' He said backing up another step.

''Good. Scram'' I said pointing away from us '' Seeya!'' He said walking off.

''Restraining order?'' Pin whispered. '' Dont ask'' I said sharply  He nodded and the topic once again went unnoticed before Misha brought it up again'' Is Jax single?'' Misha laughed.
''Oh.. Yeah I dont know and I dont wish Jax to be anyone elses boyfriend upon my worst enemy'' I said relaxing onto Pin again Misha looked Puzzled before moving on from that topic. I fell asleep for 2 seconds before Jade and Becky assumed I wanted to leave and dragged me away with something about a light out at sea. I was pissed. '' I was ASLEEP!'' I said Jade apologizing before we saw Callum and Mia kissing. We returned Jade holding my wrist so i didnt return to Pin '' Why!'' I asked annoyed. '' Spend time with the girlyyyss'' Jade laughed as I rolled my eyes. '' Becky truth or Dare?'' Gabi asked '' Uhh Truth! No Dare! NO TRUTH. hit me'' She said. '' Whats your deepest darkest secret''  Gabi laughed. '' I do have a secret. Its about kissing '' Becky began '' Becky dont'' I threatened ''Its that-'' Becky began before me and Jade blurted out '' Its that you never kissed anyone!'' Becky gave us a dirty look ''Wow today is just full of surprises isn't it'' Gabi mocked I rolled my eyes at her. '' I dont wanna play anymore!'' Becky sighed '' Yeah same '' Pin agreed. '' Says the guy who's turn it is!''  Zoe teased '' Well if Becky wont ask Pin a question I will!'' Mia announced. I sighed fiddling with the necklace '' Do you think your a better rider than everyone at Bright Felids?''  Mia shot. '' OOooo That's a good question''  Gabi said.
'' Mia stop trying to make drama. Cant we have a nice day without it?'' I rolled my eyes looking at Pin '' Im not answering that'' Pin muttered ''Come onnn!'' Zoe laughed as if she was better than him. ''Say it Pin '' Gabi pushed. '' Fine. Yes. Yes I am a better rider.''  He said. I looked at the ground Zoe looking just as hurt as me. '' Fine I challenge Holloway to a race. This is a game of Truth or Dare. Your best rider against ours '' Mia said confidently Both me and Zoe grabbing helmnts '' No Im best'' Zoe said '' No.. Im sorry what horse is Pin riding...'' I said both me and Zoe dropping our helments '' Hey Pin. Wheres Elvis?'' I asked with a smile still hurt by his comment '' This is my new Horse. Jet'' He said coldly. 
'' What breed?'' I asked trying to break his cold front '' Irish Sports horse'' Callum said pushing me away from Pin '' Yeah Zoe I better go. you stand no chance againest Jet..'' I said ''Please Everlee I need to know I can win in nationals.'' Zoe pleaded '' Yeah and I'm telling you. You cant'' I said with an eye roll '' Hurry Up Bright felids..'' Gabi yelled. '' Just do it Zoe. Im telling you theres no way..'' I said feeling light headed. '' What did you say to get him on that horse?'' Callum asked as I walked over '' Good question. '' I said to Gabi.
''Nothing. Stuff between me and Pin'' she said.  On the way back Jet was strides ahead until Zoe grabbed a stick and used it as a crop '' What is she doing?'' I said '' Winning. Whatever it takes...'' She said as Zoe crossed the line we all ran to the forest behind em. Raven looked upset and threw his head around. My heart sank seeing Pin and Zoe almost kissing. '' Awh Everlee looks upset...'' Lisha teased. Pin looked at me and walked over to apoglize again for the f*cking 80th time. I ran off before he got to say a word. I was practically breaking down in tears before even 5 steps away. first telling me I'm not a good rider. to breaking a kiss when someone appeared with another girl. to triggering my PTSD. it was all just shitty. When I arrived home Zara tried greeting me and stopped watching me run upstairs crying. '' oh god..'' Zara mumbled hearing the door lock shut.  I was breaking down in that room for hours. before Zara came in. ''Ev's? open the door please?'' Zara begged I rushed grabbing a rag and running to my bathroom in attempt to look okay. '' One second!'' I called fanning my eyes with my hands.  '' Wassup?'' I asked unlocking the door '' Are you okay'' She asked shutting the door behind her '' Yeah?'' I said she walked around my room finding strands of hair by the side of the bed in unnatural amounts. '' Really Everlee? Maybe Just try harder to be mentally stable You've had therapy for years! '' She sighed gathering it all from the floor '' I do try! I have tried I have tried for 13 years!'' I defended running my hands up my face. '' Really Everlee! Just talk to Pin! We cant afford more therapy for you!'' she yelled ripping my hands away. '' What will talking to Pin do? who do you think was the reason of this?'' I yelled back. She quickly quietened looking like she saw a ghost. '' What did he do?'' she asked grabbing my hands and sitting me on the bed '' Oh just trigger my PTSD tell me im a bad rider notice im not happy and do nothing? Oh and kiss Zoe and broke it before we arrived.'' I said choking back tears '' I just wanna talk to him'' She said standing up '' NO! ZARA NO!'' I yelled chasing her down the stairs '' I just wanna talk to him. I just wanna kill him.. Just wanna talk to him'' She said opening the door. I slammed it shut.'' Its my fault I didn't label it cause I'm scared to commit  to another relationship after Jax. I shouldn't be upset when Its my fault''  Zara rolled her eyes looking at me dead serious '' Stop blaming yourself Pin is being an asshole''  She said going to her phone sighing and looking at me '' and we are fresh out of money... KIDS MEETING IN THE KITCHEN!''  Zara announced the sound of people running appeared and we all grouped around the table '' we have 3 weeks until our family pays us next. When was the last time everyone ate?'' Zara asked '' Today'' We all said including Zara '' Good good'' she said '' tell no-one and ill work on getting a job.'' Zara said. '' Why cant Pin help us?'' Valerie laughed '' Uhh... We dont need help and I doubt Pin would help us he has done enough for me and Zara over the years I think it would be a bit rude to ask for more'' I lied '' Fine! '' Lilian giggled '' Dont tell your Boyfriend then'' She said her and Valerie busting out laughing stopping as I stared at em '' Me and Pin are in an odd place right now I dont want to talk to him'' I said 

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