-Chapter 4-

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My parents arrived home and Leo flied back to Australia. I went home cause Zara told me to.
I eyed my for once not drunk father. I smiled at him and went upstairs. My mother followed me up and flung the door open almost hitting my stuff. ''WHAT!'' I Yelled
'' Tonight We are having family over. You Zara and all your cousins are welcome to invite a friend over. Act normal'' She demanded '' Friend or Unlabelled Boyfriend? '' I asked saracastically '' That Guy is your Boyfriend? I guess'' She said sharply pushing my things off the shelf. Most plastic or metal. '' UGH!'' I complained picking each item up and putting it back on the shelf '' invite them look Happy Ever'' She demanded. I nodded as she slammed my door. I invited Pin and protested for him not to come. He would get hurt either Mentally or physically. I was going to stand in their way of course. '' EVERYONE CLEAN!'' My mother yelled. I ran down and organised things. Pin had training so obviously he would arrive almost exactly on time. People arrived mid-clean. Dinner was being cooked when Pin arrived. I was first at the door along with every child in the house. '' EVERLEE'S BOYFRIENDS HERE!'' Valerie screamed kids flying across the house '' HE ISNT MY BOYFRIEND! YET!'' I said pushing the kids out the way. '' Everlee! Come here!'' My dad yelled Pin being dragged in by kids.
'' What?'' I said sharply ''NO Drama'' Dad said as I went back to push them away from Pin
''Hey. You know Zara is inviting a guy friend over go harass him'' I said with a playful smile 
'' But Zara said she would push us off a cliff if we harassed em'' One of the kids said
'' Yeah I'll do the same. SCRAM!'' I said sharply '' I wanna harass Zara. But im not leaving you unsupervised. I dont trust them'' I said simply. Pin rolling his eyes. When dinner was announced I was threatened to go to the dinner table. '' How old is your friend Ever'' Dad said
'' Why? '' I asked '' Also you have met him before. Whether you were drunk enough to not remember is the question.'' I said nastily '' Pin. How old is Pin'' My mother rephrased
''18? No! dont offer him a drink!'' I said in a hurry to slam to fridge shut.
'' Zara I thought you got rid of it!'' I said I sat back down Pin grabbing me by the waist.
'' I did. he hides it'' Zara complains '' I want one!'' A kid yelled. My dad opened the fridge and I rushed up to slam it. I grabbed every f#cking bottle and  and ran out the house. My parents chasing me. Pin rolled his eyes as I walked back in they were screaming words... that were quite nasty. My father didnt return in and my mother flipped me off as she walked in.
''What? Dad can't have anymore'' I said before a bottle flung at Pins head which I caught.
'' You cant expect me not to learn.'' I said throwing the bottle at my father who screamed in pain. '' I'm not drunk kiddo'' My dad said '' You sure about that? '' I said with a hint of sarcasm. My parents invited some more family members over and me and Pin hid in my room for a few hours before Zara dragged me and Pin out. I saw my father drunk singing some dumb song on  our couch '' EVER!'' My mother yelled Zara mouthing Sorry as she pushed me over to her. 
'' What?'' I asked innocently '' Your father had a song for you'' She smiled 
''Ew.. No'' I said trying to run. He sung things along the lines of him not neglecting me Pin looked at me as I tried to run but got dragged back. '' You were stronger with those Daddy issues!'' He sung '' oh thank you'' I said with pure sarcasm '' Show me some respect it ain't easy to neglect. My love would have made you weaker'' He sung trying to hand me a child's karaoke machine '' Oooo! Should I be proud?! Dont turn this thing around!'' I said flinging to back at him almost hitting him in the head. He then started insulting me and Zara in song before trying to bring Pin to blame 

'' I did what I had to do! I made it on my own no thanks to you!'' I yelled over him. 
He threw something at me which I let hit me '' Are we done?'' I asked pushing my mother I walked over to Pin and dragged him out with me '' IF YOU WALK OUT THAT DOOR!'' My mother threatened so I ran upstairs and got my skateboard and rode it out Pin leaving behind me '' I didn't walk!'' I yelled as she tried to yell something at me 

Highly inspired by Mal and Hade's song in Descendants three I feel it suits this Duo

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