-Chapter 2-

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I enjoyed watching Holloway train my Mother calling me a good 18 times before Zara called me the only family member I was planning to answer. ''Hey wassup?'' I said Zara sounded happier than usual.'' Your brothers in town! '' She yelled excitedly. My face dropped I pushed off Pin and ran out Holloway. Pin looked at me as I left. I waved to him before running back to give him a kiss not explaining anything. ''Why?'' I asked ''He wanted to catch up?'' Zara asked. We have an older brother named Leo. He is 21 and Ran as far away as he could from us and our parents the first chance he got. We have never spoke once. he calls Zara once or twice a year. Pin called me when I hung up from Zara's phone call and made it home.
''Everlee's Home Leo!'' She yelled sounding so happy. I wasnt gonna ruin it for her. 
She ran out Leo smiling giving me a hug. My phone was still ringing. 

I answered to Pin not Misha or Callum 
''Hey Pin. So sorry for running off like that. You know Leo right. He's in town so Im not gonna be hanging around much for a couple days'' I laughed  Pin paused for a second ''Nice Nice. Let him know I said Hi. Seeya whenever Princess'' He laughed when I responded with the '' Yep seeya Pinothy''  He hung up. Leo and Zara were talking when I rejoined the conversation
''Everlee. Leo wants to meet Pin'' She laughed '' Why? '' I asked getting really protective
''He wants to see what he missed'' She said ''Cause he left us. You know what you missed Leo!?! MY CHILDHOOD!  YOU COULD HAVE F3CKING SAVED ME FROM ALMOST NOT BEING HERE TODAY! PIN SAVED ME AND ZARA NOT YOU! WITHOUT PIN ME AND ZARA WOULDN'T BE HERE TODAY! YOU COULD HAVE SAVED US BUT YOU RAN TO AUSTRALIA!'' I yelled running up to my room and packed up my stuff in a small bag and left. '' Sorry Leo. She never met you and I doubt she will forgive you for leaving us'' Zara muttered Leo shocked seeing me like that
''Shes got dad's rage hasnt she?'' He laughed Zara nodding 

I arrived at Pin's house ted greeting me and yelling at Pin to head down from he's room.
He looked shocked when I ran and gave him a hug literally crying my eyes out. He took me upstairs to he's room where i simply sat there crying Pin comforted me before decided to ask me what was going on. I looked at the ceiling and inhaled calmly '' Leo expects me to think he didn't leave me and Zara the minute he had enough Money to go to Australia and live there with family members that would've loved to support me and Zara aswell. Then proceeded to get really interested in meeting you. I got uhh.. Kinda protective and yelled at him cause he wanted to "See what he missed" So I kinda went insane saying  that without you me and Zara wouldn't have made it but if he was there maybe it wouldn't be like that and then He made a joke about me being like my dad which I don't think I am..'' I said then stressing myself out over that 
''Your not like him'' He said making me smile slightly. Leo called me I ignored it before Pin took my phone and answered for me '' Hey Leelee'' He laughed '' Ew dont call me that'' I said taking my phone from Pin leaving it on speaker ''Where are you?'' He asked
''Lemme think PIN WHERE AM I!'' I laughed ''With me at my house'' Pin laughed
''With Pin. Why? Do you wanna meet him cause Im not letting you do that?'' I asked 
I could hear Zara yelling across the halls of my house '' I just wanna thank him for actually giving me a chance to meet you. Zara said if you didnt meet Pin you would have died at 14 '' He said simply '' Well Pin is across from me right now and your on speaker so Thank him'' I laughed ''No I want to hang out with you 2? Third wheel if you will'' Leo smiled ''For the final time Pin isn't my boyfriend YET'' I said with a laugh Pin giving me a petty look
''Zara says she wants to be 4th wheel. Pin may be left out of the family train even though Zara says he is like family'' He laughed '' Yeah he is to Zara to me he's more than that but yeah I'll send Zara a place to meet us '' I said smiling at Pin ''Beach with Elvis and Sadie?'' I asked. Pin nodded I sent her a location and said meet us there in 20. Pin rode me to Bright felids on Elvis so I could get Sadie We arrived and jumped some Rocks when  I noticed Leo flabbergasted seeing Me and Pin galloping down the beach laughing ''Oh Look! Hey! '' I yelled flying off Sadie well planned. Sadie halted as I grabbed her rope halter. '' This is Sadie. That's Elvis and Pinothy, Pinny, Pinersons, PETER! and as he prefers to be called Pin'' I laughed Pin rolling he's eyes at me '' He loves me trust me'' I laughed Pin suddenly going all Pin 
''PINERSONS! DONT BE ALL PINNY!'' I yelled remounting Sadie taking Elvis and galloping off 
''EVERLEE'' He yelled getting really aggressive all of sudden. I halted flying off and Ran to Zara. 
''Pin! Dont be mean your scaring you pretty pink princess'' Zara mocked. Leo looked confused as Pin came over leaving the 2 horses there and embraced me in a hug 
'' Im Sorry Princess'' He whispered ''Its okay'' I mumbled. Zara looked surprised. but Leo looked protective. '' nah bud. Hate to break it to you. Im not 5 '' I laughed Leo rolling his eyes.
''Did you dance? '' Leo asked as I laughed '' Did i Dance!'' I repeated him in a sarcastic mocking tone. I ran up to Sadie mounted doing a handstand on her back '' Did I dance Leo? Did I dance'' I asked falling into a backbend and doing a front walkover back over to him. He laughed '' Yes I did for 7 years I think'' I said. He looked at me as I flew over to Sadie as she took off slightly '' Have you ever ridden a HORSE'' I asked bringing Elvis over as well.
Leo backed away '' Oh my gosh its Mums Copy!'' I yelled ''Dont relate me to our mother''
He said sharply in threatening tone. Pin stepped beside me ''Dont relate me to our dad'' I said sharply in response. He tried to hit me but Pin grabbed his hand when I flew on Sadie.
''What are you doing?'' Zara yelled I pulled back for a minute dropping Elvis's reins
''Leaving Dad's younger copy! ZARA IM NOT COMING HOME TILL HE IS GONE!'' I yelled Pin flying to elvis and Chasing me. I flipped Leo off as we galloped. We arrived at Bright Fields. I warned him that since it was 4pm Mia would be there and be extremely upset.
'' Hey!'' Zoe greeted me as I slid off Sadie's back. She noticed Pin and smiled at him
''Pin isn't a traitor Zoe. Think about it he sacrificed himself for the label of the team'' I said Mia had got into everyone's head '' No you 2 missed Marcus's send off.'' Jade said coldly.
''Dont blame me nobody called me. I would have organised around it'' I said Zoe grabbing my phone and showing me every missed call. '' DONT TOUCH MY PHONE!' I yelled snatching it back. Pin was quiet so I looked back to him. I guess he felt victimised. I looked at this weird lookin 40 year old walking around yelling at the nationals team which included me.   
''Training started... 15 minutes ago! '' He yelled at the nationals team 
''No im not training with Mr Creepy. He has been really interested in Raven and has asked a bit about Sadie''  Zoe said ''Neither. '' I said. '' James. Your Everlee'' He said out-stretching his hand '' Ew. Dont touch me'' I said stepping back '' Seeya Pinny'' I said giving him a hug before he left . I tacked up and went to the arena. ''Horses tied up Everlee'' He said as I tied up Sadie. I hoped the fence and stared at Zoe walking around  blindfolded holding a bale of hay.
''I cancelled Plans for this? Is this a lesson on carrying hay. I think I mastered that after 5 years'' I said looking at James yelling some random shit at Zoe  

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