-Chapter 5-

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I looked at my phone as me and Pin walked away from the house where screams echoed down the street. It was 5:30pm. Perfect Usually Zoe leaves at 6pm so someone would be at the yard. I opened my mouth to say something to Pin but when I looked around he was gone..
I sighed muttering some.. words.. Under my breathe about Mia and Pin just ditching. I was slightly pissed off so When I arrived I pushed that down and smiled innocently. 
''Hi!'' Zoe exclaimed running over. '' Hey'' I greeted reaching for my phone.
''Messaging Pin?'' Zoe teased ''No. I'm Messaging Zara asking about Pin'' I said simply as she looked at my phone. '' What? He ditched me after we left my place with no comment so I'm asking Zara if he messaged her. If he wanted to talk to me he would'' I half smiled as Zoe rolled her eyes at Mia making a whole thing about her leaving and how the barn is shut so we should leave. I negotiated with Mia and stayed at the barn that night once again. 

I woke up and went home seeing family members hung over and or in a deep sleep. I looked at Zara how urged me to help clean up all the mess they made. Glass shards or bottles of beer. Mainly half finished. The glass scratched all down my legs and arms as It covered the room. Despite the heat of the day I went up and threw some Tracksuit pants and one of my hoodies on. This outfit consisted of nothing expect a necklace Pin gifted me when we were kids. Zara has a matching one. I never take this one off and Most the time its hidden under my shirt

Today I pulled it and placed it on my shirt and left my hoodie unzipped so it was visible

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Today I pulled it and placed it on my shirt and left my hoodie unzipped so it was visible. Pin knows I wear it but Zara doesn't and she thinks she is wearing hers alone. I left after wishing Zara luck. I walked down to the yard getting odd looks as it was 30 degrees Celsius outside and Im in a hoodie and tracksuit pants. But I'm not dealing with questions about the scratch's on my arms and legs from those glass shards. We were all sent to the beach for some party. 

I was sweating but Mia lost her shit when Holloway arrived. ''Why are they here!'' She yelled ''Mia Chill...'' I said as she stood up '' This is our part of the beach'' She yelled throwing her red solo cup to the side. '' that poor drink'' I laughed ''its a free country so I think we'll stay.'' Gabi said '' We got marshmallows'' Alex pushed. ''Please Mia? They got marshmallows'' I said throwing the solo cup back at her. ''Fine'' She said throwing it at me.
I laughed as it laid there on the ground. I looked at Pin talking with his new friends. They are cool people but like.. I'm practically his girlfriend.. Would it kill him to say hi? I was gonna push things so I went over '' Hey Pinny'' I laughed swinging myself around to the front of him.
''Hey'' He said ignoring me. '' Oh.. Being Bitchy.. Got it'' I said walking away. he then mocked me to his friends '' HeY PiNnY'' They all mocked '' Like What the hell.. Why is she wearing that anyways.. Insecure I bet. She has reason to be I mean look at her'' Callum said Josh looked annoyed and Pin looked half offended but didn't show it. '' I'm Leaving!'' I said to Zoe but was chased by her till I turned to speak to her '' What Zoe?'' I asked ''Why?'' She asked '' Cause Callum is talking shit about me so I dont have to be here to hear it'' I said Simply getting dragged back. '' Callum we need to talk'' I said dragging him away from his friends. '' I dont know what you get from doing that. but there is nothing you can tell me that I haven't heard.  Your words dont do shit. '' I said pushing him '' Nice friends Pin'' I smiled brightly walking over to the group Pin not far behind me.  My phone buzzed but I ignored that before  I left the game of Spin the bottle. I wasn't interested it seemed Boring as. Pin wasn't playing giving me a sense of comfort knowing he wasn't playing either cause it was boring or he just didn't want to. I looked at the post and Pin looked at me when my smile fell. He was going to come over the second he rose from the rock I gestured for him to go away. The picture was one of me helping Zara clean up Glass shards and displayed all the cuts caused by them. I called her marching off.

??> Hi! Did you like my post
Everlee> No. I dont do that to you!
??> Oh well.. Its out now
Everlee> Why! That shit is embarrassing! I dont need everyone knowing my family is shit
??> Your Family Everlee!?! Your F#CKING FAMILY
Everlee> You only listen to your friends dont you? I dont talk shit about you on the internet!
??> Oh Well.. Seeya
Suddenly the call ended. I reported her on Instagram. knowing them it wouldn't be taken down. I came back and went straight to Pin and sat with him. He looked at me and didn't talk pulling me by my waist. I smiled softly before the game shifted to truth or dare. ''Everlee! Truth or Dare?''  Zoe called loud enough to grab my attention '' Hm? Truth'' I said looking at Pin
'' What are you and Pin?'' She asked with a smirk '' Oooo!'' Gabi laughed 
''Hm? Why am I not surprised? Me and Pin are currently..... Unlabelled Bestie nothing has changed'' I laughed '' May as well call each other boyfriend and Girlfriend'' Susie said
'' I call myself "Practically" his girlfriend '' I laughed that cut out when Mayla and Hillary arrived '' Ugh'' I mumbled as she joined us '' Everlee! '' She ran over and gave me a hug.
'' Dance is that way Mayla. Not your place.. Your scared of horses'' I said sarcastically.
'' I ride horses!'' She defended. I tried not to laugh She flipped me off Hillary eyeing down guys. '' Hillary! Pin here is taken Josh is annoying Callum is worse and taken Alex Idk bout him. Ay he remembered the marshmallows! Yeah Marcus is in he academy and taken. Sorry'' I laughed 
Me and her laughed for a good minute '' You staying? If so Mayla I have some rules about this. No family talk. Yk they eh. None of my secrets'' I whispered. She pushed me dangerously close to the fire. '' Be bitchy''  I said going back to Pin '' Truth or Dare Callum'' I smiled
''Dare'' He     smirked at Susie '' Flirt with any girl expecting me and Susie. Im not gonna cringe at you flirting with someone like me'' I laughed he went over to Mayla he then tried to rizz her up causing me to fall off the rock laughing '' I dislike Math cause they always talk about X and Y but never U and I '' He said Mayla laughing with me '' Pin truth or dare'' Callum laughed. I looked up at him practically breaking my neck as he was directly above me. 
''Dare'' He said now looking down at me. i gave him a gentle kiss before Callum gave him a dare '' Swap roles steal Everlee's jumper! its too hot for it anyways'' Callum laughed
''Yeah do it'' Mayla said '' No im not comfortable with that..'' I said ''Why you insecure?''
Callum asked '' Yes but not for the reason you think'' I said when Callum got up and took if off me showing fresh cuts on my hands and up my arms slightly ''Happy now? Give it.'' I demanded snatching it off him and throwing it on. '' What was that Everlee? Do you hurt yourself?'' Mayla teased '' No actually. You want the truth exposed Mayla?'' I asked She opened her mouth to decline '' So i dont do this to clear the air. Its my parents. They Abuse us me Zara my cousins so when family gatherings come around me and Zara are on clean up duty. including bottles flying at us. Mayla cried in her room all morning cause it was SO traumatic for her yet I have been through worse Mayla is just immature. Happy Mayla?'' I asked before she ran off crying '' TAKE THAT PICTURE DOWN!'' I yelled as she ran off. I smiled 

''You made her cry! Dont you feel bad'' Misha asked '' No Trust me I have watched her be abused many times she can handle being called immature if i can handle being told to jump off a cliff by my own parents'' I smiled 

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