-Chapter 1-

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I powered through the amazing discovery that day.
 I came to the yard. Mia's dad now owns the yard. Mia takes it upon herself to be the boss around the yard. 

I arrived later than normal in my casual mulberry jodhpurs and matching base-layer with Pin's hoodie even though it was around 29-32 degrees (c 89 f)  I wasn't planning on not wearing something that I "borrowed" from pin. Pin gave me a kiss as I walked in. I smiled not really in the mood to deal with "pinlee" or whatever Becky calls me and Pin. I tacked up Sadie and went to the arena. I worked on the flat kicking constantly as Sadie was being extremely lazy. Marcus saw me riding and came over and watched from the fence '' Leg! Everlee kick!'' Marcus told me as if I wasn't. I simply chose to ignore him. '' Kick!'' Marcus yelled '' What does it look like im doing?'' I asked saracasticly. I finally got Sadie to keep a good pace. Marcus eventually left and I kept working on the flat. I wanted to keep it  slow today as Sadie had a big work a few weeks back and yesterday. I untacked Sadie and went into the main room and was dragged in by Zoe slamming the door the moment i was in causing me to flinch. I looked around noticing the county cup missing and replaced with some Mug. My phone rang. It was my dad. knowing him he was probably drunk but eh. Im used to it '' Hey'' I said ''Hey Kiddo. '' He said sounding half drunk '' What do you need? Im kinda busy'' I said he slurred over his words '' with who? your boyfriend? whats he's name?? Pin? Peter? I dont know '' He said '' He isnt my boyfriend. Yet. '' I said looking at Pin polishing something ''Wait? How do you know about Pin?'' I asked getting slightly nervous. Zoe was tapping me '' Zara sent me a picture of you two'' He said.
'' Oh. Okay. Just dont touch him please. '' I said before hanging up.
'' Not yet hey?'' Zoe laughed. '' Not yet'' I simply replied Pin looking at me as my phone rang and rang and rang and practially exploding '' Gosh that man acts like we are bloody friends'' I laughed turning my phone on silent. ''I   can go they dont know me'' Zoe smiled. ''Not alone'' I reasoned '' They have cameras in every room. '' I claimed. I knew the layout like the back of my hand. Misha recently went  on Vacation and Lisha was at work. everyone else did know me so I couldnt go. But not everyone knew Pin. '' Pinnyyyy....'' I laughed finally getting his attention '' no'' He said going extremely cold. ''Pwease Pinny.. Mia will murder me and skin me alive.. You dont want that do you?'' I said giving him puppy dog eyes.
''No Everlee'' He said still cold. '' Can I talk to you Pin'' i said grabbing him by the wrist.
I shut the door to the main room. '' Pin whats wrong what did I do?'' I asked worried I did something wrong. '' You didn't do anything Princess'' He said suddenly chilling out.
''Please Pinny go help Zoe for me?'' I said '' Fine only cause its for you'' Pin smiled giving me a gentle kiss before we went back in the main room. ''I'll do it'' Pin said
''Okay! everyone get your horses. You 2! Stall for time'' Zoe demanded. I grabbed a neck rope and slipped it on meeting most there including Pin. We rode down me being the only one bareback . We arrived '' Zoe dismounted and before Pin did we had to have a quick talk 
''Be safe'' I said Pin gave me a kiss before dismounting '' Always'' He said before handing me Elvis's reins. '' Just friends? really though?'' Susie laughed '' Just friends'' I replied
''You can be honset I wont care'' Susie said when I dismounted giving Elvis a Pat 
''Unlabelled '' I laughed Susie nodding '' What scared you about being honset?'' Susie said '' Nothing? Just my Love life is my Love life not everyone's'' I said simply  '' true true'' Susie Replied. Pin and Zoe ran out '' Holloway knows!'' She yelled I gave Pin Elvis's reins and flew on '' Everlee go!'' Pin yelled as I followed him Callum can't possibly hate me anymore.
I drifted away from Pin the minute a jump was near. Gabi decided to Chase me down. I drifted off the path and into the forest Gabi unable to chase me . I arrived 5 minutes later than the rest.
all I knew was that reporter had the scoop of the century ''Everlee! Wheres Pin?'' She asked
'' I don-'' I was cut off by Marcus '' Pin can handle himself'' He spat. I looked at him with disgust '' Zoe go look for him if you want I'll be here sorting out the mess he made'' He said with hatred twisting through his words.
I called him straghit to voice mail. 18 calls later all to voicemail 96 messages un-answered 
Until 97 I finally got a I'm fine.   This didn't help at all cause after 97 messages that was all I got?  I went to sleep and got changed in an almost full outfit of things I stole from Pin or things Pin gave me as most likely he wasnt gonna be there today. I hadn't worn this jumper yet meaning it still smelt like him making me slightly more happy.  My Jumper and Top were something I stole.
Necklace Tracksuit pants he brought for me the only thing was my shoes which were boots so I didnt really care. I looked around and frowned not seeing Pin through-out the crowd.
Mia marched up '' I saw Pin ride at Holloway yesterday. He's really good. Get him on my team now Everlee'' She demanded. A little context if you care to listen I left earlier than usual because once again I was needed home. I sighed getting Sadie and rode to Holloway. It was during their training time already. I was using a neckrope so there wasnt a way to tie her up so I walked in Misha and the rest giving me an odd look while I stood there holding Sadie watching Pin ride with a smile.''Hi. Adams Can we help you? '' Misha asked.
''I dont ride with you so don't call me Adams My name is Everlee and choose to be addressed that way. I need to talk to Pin'' I said sharply. '' Lovely. Well we are currently training and we will be done in a good hour you can join Holloway again if you wish? Or even just join our lesson today? You dont have a saddle or bridle so i doubt it would work'' She said. I shook my head
''Is it all good if I watch?'' I asked Misha nodding and walked off Lisha ran over hyped up. '' Need a leadrope?''She asked handing me one '' Thanks. Forgot one I was rushed down here I heard Pin was riding with you guys'' I laughed clipping the leadrope to the neck-rope and tied her to a tree before standing there watching Pin ride A smile plastered on my face.  He seemed so Happy but I was gonna miss him at the yard. ''Hawthorne? is that PINS hoodie'' She laughed I nodded watching Elvis jump things I didn't know he could. Pin finished he's chance and noticed me Handing Callum Elvis's reins before running over. He picked me up and kissed me like we hadn't seen each other in 3 years. '' You riding for the rivals?'' I asked he gave me a petty look while looking at my outfit. '' What are you wearing?'' He asked while I grabbed a hair-tie out my pocket tieing my hair in a bun to display the amazing Hawthorne written in Red bold lettering. I did a little spin He laughed ''Whats wrong with her outfit?'' Lisha asked
''He brought or I stole everything expecting my boots from him'' I laughed.
''To answer your question Princess. Your the rival'' He laughed while I gave him a sad little look. Lisha rushed off for her part of the lesson. '' HAWTHORNE! BRING EVERLEE OVER HERE IF YOU HAVE TOO! GET IN LINE'' Misha yelled. Mia rang me but Pin was holding me so I couldn't leave him. I answered while watching Lisha ride. 
Mia> Did you get Pin back with us
me> Im not gonna do that. You told me Pin was at Holloway I came to see him end of story
Mia>  I need him on my team
Me> Do you or do you wanna have someone to verbally abuse
Mia> Everlee! Get Him back on this team or I kick you off ours
Me> You wouldn't Holloway wants me on theirs and without me Holloway will win Nationals and we wouldnt stand a chance.
Mia> My Stable will win Nationals Without you or Pin you know
Me> My skill set is the almost exact same as Pin's without me you lose Your choice though Im happy to go to Holloway. It's actually nicer here than Bright felids with you could ever be
Me> Cool
I said hanging up Pin looking at me ''Misha! I may accept your offer! Mia wants me to steal one of your rider who is an ex rider of Bright fields and that of which i wont do so If she kicks me off the team am I able to join back to Holloway?'' I asked Misha laughing.
''Oh Pin so I can say I tried. Would you like to ride on the Bright Fields Nationals team? '' I asked Lisha riding amazingly '' No. Oh look you tried.'' Pin laughed. 

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