Buttercup and Ochaco in the future as adults: Whipping Your Loved Ones Hard

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Buttercup: "How about we go on a very cute date, Ochaco? Something that involves our playful and sweet sides."

Ochaco, with a grin, nodded in agreement.

Ochaco: "Hehe, a cute date sounds perfect, Buttercup. What do you have in mind?"

Buttercup, holding back a mischievous smirk, suggested a unique twist.

Buttercup: "How about we continue the theme of licking? But this time, we'll lick the inside of each other's bras in a cute and affectionate way."

Ochaco, surprised by the playful proposal, burst into laughter.

Ochaco: "Hehe, that's certainly an unconventional date idea, Buttercup. But I like it! Let's do it!"

And so, their cute date began. They found a charming spot, perhaps a quiet park or a cozy cafe, where they could enjoy each other's company. As they sat together, Buttercup and Ochaco exchanged sweet and adorable licks on the inside of their bras, adding a unique and intimate flavor to their date.

Passersby might have raised an eyebrow at the unconventional activity, but Buttercup and Ochaco were too engrossed in the playful and consensual connection they shared. The date continued with laughter, affectionate moments, and the delightful exploration of their desires.

As the date unfolded, Buttercup couldn't help but inquire about the winking antics from earlier.

Buttercup: "So, Ochaco, what's the story behind all the winking during our little intermission? It was cute, but I'm curious."

Ochaco, blushing slightly, explained with a playful smile.

Ochaco: "Well, being a superhero makes me sweat a lot, and I guess I got into the habit of winking to express that. Plus, you know I like to lick it up cutely, especially when it's you, Buttercup."

Buttercup, with a grin, responded in a teasing manner.

Buttercup: "Hehe, so that's the secret behind the winks, huh? Well, I guess I can't complain if it leads to cute moments like this."

Ochaco chuckled, appreciating the playful banter.

Ochaco: "Exactly! Now, what's next on our cute date agenda, Buttercup?"

Buttercup, looking around with a twinkle in her eye, suggested another playful activity.

Buttercup: "How about we draw cute doodles on each other's cheeks? It'll be a fun and creative way to express ourselves!"

Ochaco, excited by the idea, nodded enthusiastically.

Ochaco: "Hehe, that sounds adorable, Buttercup! Let's grab some markers and make our cheeks a canvas of cute doodles."

Buttercup: "Alright, Ochaco, let's make this extra cute!"

Ochaco, with a playful giggle, nodded in agreement.

Ochaco: "Hehe, I'm all for it, Buttercup! Let's see what kind of cute doodles we can come up with."

The heroines began to draw adorable symbols and shapes on each other's faces, creating a lively exchange of creativity and laughter. As they continued, Buttercup couldn't resist adding a surprising twist to the activity.

Buttercup: "You know, Ochaco, I was thinking we could also doodle on our other cheeks, the ones that come as a pair."

Ochaco, momentarily puzzled, soon caught on, blushing and giggling at the playful innuendo.

Ochaco: "Hehe, oh, you mean the other cheeks! Sure, why not? Let's make it even more fun!"

With mischievous smiles, Buttercup and Ochaco decided to take the doodling to a new level. They playfully slid down their bottoms and, with giggles and blushing cheeks, began drawing cute doodles on each other's adorable buttocks. Buttercup drew a heart right where Ochaco's cute bummiehole was, and Ochaco couldn't help but giggle and blush at the playful gesture.

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