Rouge the Bat x Amy Rose

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Rouge the Bat and Amy Rose had been friends for years. They both shared a love for treasure hunting and adventuring. But as time went on, Rouge started to realize that her feelings for Amy were more than just friendship.

One day, Rouge gathered the courage to tell Amy how she felt. "Amy, I know this might come as a surprise, but I've been thinking about it for a while now. I've developed feelings for you."

Amy's eyes widened in surprise, but then a smile spread across her face. "I had a feeling you might feel that way. I've been feeling the same way about you."

From that day on, Rouge and Amy were inseparable. They would spend their days exploring new places, looking for treasure, and having fun. But what made it all even better was that they were doing it together, as a couple.

They would hold hands, cuddle and share kisses as they explored the different zones, receiving envious looks from the other characters. They didn't care, they were in love.

One day, they came across a beautiful cave filled with precious gems and jewels. As they were admiring the sparkling jewels, Rouge turned to Amy and said, "You know, this cave is beautiful and all, but it's not as beautiful as you."

Amy blushed, "Rouge, you're so sweet."

They leaned in for a kiss, the jewels around them shining and glittering like their love. From that day on, Rouge and Amy were known as the cutest couple in the Sonic's world, always having each other's backs, and spreading love wherever they went.

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