Marine x Cream

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Once upon a time on the high seas, there was a mischievous little raccoon named Marine. She was always up for adventure and loved nothing more than exploring new places and meeting new friends.

One day, while on a quest to find the legendary treasure of Captain Whisker, Marine stumbled upon a sweet little rabbit named Cream. The two quickly became fast friends, bonding over their love of adventure and their adorable butts.

As they journeyed together, Marine couldn't help but notice just how cute Cream's little bunny tail was. She found herself admiring it more and more with each passing day.

But it wasn't just Cream's butt that caught Marine's eye. She also found herself drawn to the charming little fox named Tails, who was always by Cream's side.

Marine was never one to shy away from speaking her mind, and so one day she finally mustered up the courage to tell Cream and Tails just how much she loved their cute butts.

Cream blushed at the compliment, but Tails couldn't help but laugh. "My butt? Really?" he chuckled.

But Marine wasn't deterred. "Aye, matey! Yer tail's a real beaut!" she exclaimed.

The three of them spent many happy days exploring the seas together, always finding new adventures and new reasons to admire each other's cute butts.

And even though Marine had a bit of a crush on both Cream and Tails, she knew that they were meant to be together. So she was content to simply admire their cute butts from afar and continue on her adventures with her new friends by her side.

As for Cream and Tails, they were happy just to be together, their cute butts wiggling and bouncing as they navigated the high seas and chased after adventure.

And so they all lived happily ever after, with their cute butts and their love of adventure to guide them on their journey.

Marine the Raccoon had always been a bit of a troublemaker, but she had a heart of gold. She was sailing the seas with her pirate crew when they spotted a spaceship in the distance. Curiosity getting the best of her, she ordered her crew to set a course for the ship.

As they got closer, they saw that the ship was piloted by a man with wild hair and flashy clothes. "Well, hello there!" he called out to Marine. "I'm Space Dandy, captain of the Aloha Oe. What brings you and your crew out this far?"

Marine introduced herself and her crew and explained that they were on a mission to explore new lands and discover treasure. "But what we're really after," she said with a grin, "is a cute butt."

Space Dandy chuckled. "I know what you mean, sweetheart. There's nothing like a good booty." He looked at Marine appraisingly. "So, whose butt do you like best?"

Marine thought for a moment. She had always admired Cream the Rabbit's cute butt, but she also had a soft spot for Tails and his fox butt. "I can't decide," she finally said. "They're both so cute!"

"Well, that's okay," Space Dandy said with a shrug. "No need to choose just one. But if you really want to settle this, why don't you have a cute butt competition?"

"A what now?" Marine asked, intrigued.

"A cute butt competition," Space Dandy repeated. "You know, like a beauty pageant, but for butts."

Marine's eyes lit up. "I love it! Let's do it!"

So, with Space Dandy and Marine the Raccoon as the judge, Cream and Tails had a cute butt competition. They showed off their best butt wiggles, twerks, and bounces. Marine watched intently, trying to decide which one was cuter.

In the end, Cream emerged as the winner. Marine couldn't take her eyes off of Cream's cute bunny butt. "I think I've found my new favorite booty," she said with a grin.

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