My Hero Academia girl talk

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It was a bright and sunny day in UA Academy. All the female students had gathered around in the common area, taking a break from their studies and chatting.

Ochako Uraraka was at the center of the conversation, as she was always the most vibrant and cheerful of all the girls. "So, I mean, have you guys seen Midoriya's guy nipples?" She said, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

The other girls laughed and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I mean, it's hard not to notice them," said Mina Ashido, giving a sly wink.

Kyoka Jiro simply rolled her eyes. "Ugh, I can't believe I'm saying this, but they're actually kinda cute," she admitted, blushing.

Tsuyu Asui nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I mean, I can't help but admire them," she said with a giggle.

The girls laughed and continued talking about Deku's guy nipples. They all agreed that they were definitely something to admire. 

"I mean, it's not just Deku's guy nipples that are cute," Ochako said, her voice dreamy. "I think all guy nipples are cute, no matter who they belong to."

The other girls gasped in agreement, blushing at the thought. Ochako smiled, her face lighting up. "I know right? It's like, who doesn't love cute guy nipples?"

The other girls nodded and giggled, their imaginations running wild. Mina was the first to speak up, her eyes twinkling. "I mean, it's not just guy nipples that are cute, right? We can appreciate cute girl nipples too!"

The other girls nodded again, their faces turning redder. Tsuyu cleared her throat and spoke up. "I mean, who doesn't love a nice pair of perky nipples?" She said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Kyoka smiled, her eyes glimmering. "Yeah, I mean, cute nipples are cute no matter who they belong to," she said, her voice filled with admiration.

The girls all laughed and continued talking about their admiration for cute nipples. They talked about all sorts of different shapes and sizes, and their imaginations ran wild. As the conversation went on, the girls began to get more and more daring, talking about touching, licking, and even nibbling on each other's nipples. 

By the end of their conversation, the girls were all flushed and giggling, their faces lit up with excitement. Ochako looked around at her friends, her heart filled with love. "You guys are the best," she said, her voice filled with affection. 

The other girls smiled, their faces glowing. They all agreed that they had never had such a fun and interesting conversation before, and that it had been a truly enjoyable experience. 

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