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The morning sun painted the suburban landscape with hues of gold and amber, casting a warm glow over the small, picturesque house where Akshara and her twins resided. The air was filled with a sense of routine and anticipation as the day unfolded.

The soft morning light framed her face, highlighting the warmth in her eyes while her voice carried a mix of authority and concern, as she addressed her twins.

AK - Babies, today your Abhay masu is going to drop you off at school because Mumma has a deadline to meet. So, please, don't trouble him on the way, especially don't demand any ice creams, the weather is already changing and you guys will catch a cold. I'll come pick you guys up after school, okay?"

AB/MANU - No worries, Mumma. We have got everything under control.

AK - Acha ji, badmash.

AB -  Also, it's not like we're crossing borders. It's just a quick two-lane drive, so relax, we can walk back home just fine.

MANU - Yes Mumma, seriously, you don't have to pick us up. We can totally handle the walk. I mean, we did it alone yesterday, right?

AK - That's a discussion for later, folks. Thanks for the reminder, young lady. We'll address that reckless behaviour in our upcoming chat.

Akshara's eyes narrowed playfully, and she chuckled, while the twins exchanged looks, their faces adopting sulky expressions, realizing a lecture was imminent. With a resigned sigh, they dejectedly slumped into the car as Abhay took the wheel, driving away.

In the backdrop of the morning sun, the scene painted a familial picture of routine, with the promise of a talk lingering in the air. Meanwhile, Abhimanyu stood on the far front, silently observing the bond between Akshara and their children. His eyes bore a longing, a deep desire to be a part of their lives.

Sensing Abhimanyu's turmoil, Viraj silently stepped away, allowing Abhimanyu the space to navigate his emotions as he stood gazing at his wife.

Akshara, determined and focused, immersed herself in the daily chores. Despite the city's growing cold, a special warmth enveloped the day as sunlight celebrated something extraordinary, showering blessings upon the earth.

Abhimanyu watched as Akshara watered the small, beautiful garden, her movements graceful and deliberate. She moved from task to task – dusting, making lunch, tending to laundry, ironing clothes, and managing the monthly ration. Each action portrayed her resilience and strength. 

Witnessing this transformation, Abhimanyu felt a poignant mix of awe and sorrow, realizing the girl he'd always envisioned as a princess now worked tirelessly without support, embodying a newfound strength he hadn't anticipated.

While Akshara worked, her melodic humming filled the air, a soothing soundtrack to the morning routine. Abhimanyu, standing at a distance, marvelled at the beauty of his wife's spirit. He longed to reach out and help her during those stumbling moments, but the memory of the panic attack she just went through this morning, restrained him.

Soon he felt a surge of happiness as Akshara sat by the patio, engrossed in designing jewellery with determination and passion reflecting in her doe eyes. She wasn't just pursuing her love for music but had also discovered a new passion. It was a moment of realization for him – his Akshu was not only resilient but also had become a woman who was chasing her dreams.

In the silence of his observation, a wave of contentment washed over Abhimanyu. This was what he had always wished for, the fulfilment of a silent prayer he had held close to his heart. To see Akshu not only embracing her dreams but chasing them with unwavering resolve brought a sense of peace to his soul.

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