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The sunkissed valley echoed with Akshara's fading footsteps, while Abhimanyu just stood there dazed, bewildered and abandoned. The atmosphere, once filled with the warmth of his embrace with his Akshu, now seemed colder than ever. 

The air was thick with the residue of their fleeting connection, replaced by an unsettling emptiness. His mind raced, struggling to process the abrupt departure of Akshara. One moment he was soothing her anxiety, the next she vanished, leaving him hanging in a state of disbelief, choosing to run away once again.

His phone buzzed, shattering the silence. Viraj's name flashed on the screen, bringing a sudden urgency to the moment. Abhimanyu answered, his voice a mix of determination and frustration as Viraj addressed the lead they had got. 

ABHI - Yes Viraj, We need to confirm the lead, now. Send me the address, and I will meet you there itself.

A steely resolve flickered in Abhimanyu's eyes as he hung up the phone. 

ABHI (in mind) - Akshu, this time you won't be able to escape. Now that I know you're real and not just my figment of imagination anymore, I'll find you, no matter where you hide. I'll knock on every door in this city or state or even the country if I have to. 

Abhimanyu battled a whirlwind of emotions as he jogged through the labyrinthine streets. Happiness, delight, peace, anger, and gratitude collided within him, creating a tumultuous storm. 

He needed to jog, to physically release the pent-up energy that surged through his veins. The once composed Abhimanyu now teetered on the edge, the roaring storm of his emotions threatening to break free.

His destination was the Shiv Mandir, a place of solace in times of turmoil. Abhimanyu entered and crumbled before the divine presence, tears streaming down his face. 

ABHI - Thank you.....thank you so much, Mahadev, for guiding me back to her. Thank you for keeping my Akshu safe in my absence, I am forever grateful to you.

He whispered, a mixture of vulnerability and gratitude echoing through the sacred space.

In that moment of surrender, Abhimanyu found strength in his faith, and a renewed determination to unravel the mysteries surrounding Akshara's sudden disappearance. The echoes of his prayers reverberated through the temple, encapsulating the emotional rollercoaster that had become Abhimanyu's life.


The morning air, known for embracing the world with a crisp, invigorating freshness, as if nature itself had taken a deep, cleansing breath was sunken in a deep sense of mystery, as Akshara walked briskly along with the golden glow of sunrays which lit the empty street.

Her mind tangled in a web of confusion and conflicting emotions. The encounter with the stranger had left her in a state of turmoil she couldn't quite comprehend. As she replayed the events in her mind, she couldn't fathom why she had allowed her usual boundaries to crumble.

She found herself leaning against a lamppost, her heart racing as she tried to dissect the strange sensations that had overtaken her. This was uncharted territory for her. Normally, she maintained a polite distance from the opposite sex, no matter how close the relationship. Yet, with this stranger, her body had betrayed her, responding not with disgust, but with exhilaration, happiness, and a strange feeling of completeness. It was a paradox she struggled to reconcile.

AK - Why did I react like that?

She whispered to herself, confusion etched on her face. Her internal monologue was interrupted by a distant sound of laughter from a nearby jogger's park, where people had started to gather and warm up before their laps. The laughter served as a stark contrast to the storm of emotions within her.

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