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Pristine, enchanting, and tranquil are probably the best adjectives that could describe the natural beauty of the city. Fondly known as The Queen of Hills, Shimla is surrounded by green pastures and snow-capped peaks.

Nature in winter is a time of struggle and beauty. Winter signals the end of a long productive year. Plants shut down making food, animals migrate to warmer climates and humans snuggle up and stay indoors, but it's the opposite for this city. Winters attract most tourist visits and the city's economy sees a significant boom.

Sun still cast a faint yellow light through the slowly gathering evening. A light breeze whispered through the trees. The streets were busy with bustling crowds.

A euphonious voice with great power, control, and sound projection could be heard from a small but warm and cozy villa. A signboard of "Akshata Music classes" was hanging by the villa's main entrance gate. A petite yet gorgeous woman in her late 20s was sitting on the carpeted ground playing sitar, her eyes closed, feeling the music and singing melodiously.

Her students participated and sang with her, accentuating the feel of the song even more. Soon the class was over and the students bid their goodbyes for the day. The woman was busy wrapping up when two tiny muchkins hug her waist.

AB/MANU - Mamma we are back.

AB - Mamma I am feeling very hungry. My football coach made us run 2 extra miles today.

MANU - yes Mamma, I am also very hungry. It was a tough day at work. Riya Masi, again made us taste her latest cupcakes. This time they weren't burnt but tasted horrible.

The 5-year-olds complain making the Adults laugh.

R - Aksh, don't listen to these brats, the cupcake was not that bad. Abhay had gulped it down in one go this morning.

AK - Aww, he loves you too much Riya, the guy would even eat poison if you feed him with your cute puppy pout. Anyway, babies go and freshen up I will quickly fix you something to eat.

After eating their fill the kids run back to their room to complete their homework. The women were just about to discuss work when suddenly an elderly woman enters the house with a jar of jam.

N - Akshata beta, take this, it's for the twins. They had been persistently requesting me for the past few days that they wanted to eat strawberry-flavored jam.

The Name Akshata always felt familiar, yet quite distant. It's been 6 years since that day and she still feels a little awkward with being called by that name.


She kept walking through the dark, desolate tunnel. She wanted to stop and take a breather but for some odd reason, she never stopped walking. She could see a small sparkle of light far away in the distance which motivated her to keep up the pace. She was parched and kept muttering water. She didn't know for how long she needed to walk but the thought of water, which she might get after crossing the light, kept her on her toes.

Soon the light grew closer and became brighter to the point that it was blinding. She carefully fluttered her eyes open and was met with an unfamiliar setting.

Confused, she looked around the dull white room. She couldn't recognize the place. Then she noticed the sound of slow, constant beeping beside her. She turned her head towards the sound and was surprised that her head felt heavy. In fact, her entire body felt heavy. She couldn't move.

With great effort, she finally turned her head a little and found multiple machines hooked to her and making the beeping sound. It dawned on her that she might be at a hospital.

"W-wa...ter..." She tried speaking but only a dry whisper came out of her cracked lips. Nobody was around. She already felt exhausted. Her eyes started to droop, but she fought against the unconsciousness threatening to overcome her.

After waiting for who knew how long, the door finally opened and a nurse strode in. "You're awake!" The nurse was shocked when she saw the patient's open eyes. She immediately pressed a button to call for a doctor.

"How are you feeling?" the nurse asked and began checking her. "W-wa-wa...ter..." she asked. "You want to drink water? Wait a moment, Miss. We'll have to wait for the doctor and ask him whether it's okay for you to drink. Oh, he's here!"

The door opened and a middle-aged doctor entered followed by three others wearing the same white lab coats. They looked like doctors too, but younger. "Hello. Can you hear me? My name is Dr. Kapoor. How are you feeling?" He pressed his stethoscope on several parts of her chest while he asked questions.

"She asked for water," the nurse told him. "That's good. Let her drink via straw if she's able. If not, use drops or melt an ice cube on her lips."

The team of doctors began examining her, while the nurse left to get water. Finally, the nurse returned with water in a paper cup and a straw.

At first, she couldn't suck from the straw. Her mouth muscles felt weak. Only after a few tries was she able to get the water flowing but felt exhausted after just a few sips.

However, the feeling of water flowing down her dry throat felt so heavenly that her eyes pricked. She blinked the tears away, not allowing them to fall.

"Do you know your name?" Dr. Kapoor suddenly asked.

"My name..." She was about to say her name but was completely blank.

" Name...What is my name.....who.....who am I....." she was utterly confused as she could not recall any detail about herself and started to panic. The doctor quickly gave her a light dose of medication to make her relax and soon, she fell asleep.

N - Akshata beta, are you listening, where are you lost?

Neela Amma's voice brought her back from her trance, she accepts the jar and thanked her. As soon as Neela Amma goes back home, Riya pulls her to discuss her latest jewelry design.

Akshata had an innate talent to design jewelry. She has made her name as the mysterious designer AK, who rose to fame in the past few years. Her assumed sister Riya is also her manager who handles the clients.

They had met when Akshata was still living with the Mehra's, her saviors. Akshata was busy parenting her two-year twins and wanted to become independent. Soon she discovered this talent of hers and decided to pursue it further.

She shows her new designs and asks Riya to contact the client. They chat for a while and Riya goes back home, as her husband and Akshata's good friend Abhay must be waiting for her at dinner.

She then goes to the twin's room and finds them sleeping peacefully. She chuckles looking at their drooling faces and carefully lays them on the bed and covers them up with a warm blanket. She lovingly carases their hair and sighs.

Abhir and Manysha, are her world, the reason why she is still living. She lightly kisses their foreheads and goes to sleep as well.


Hello lovely readers 💙,

The story is my version of how the show could have further proceeded if DKP really needed to take a leap and separate Abhira once again. I didn't like their logic of framing Abhimanyu as a villain to take the damm leap, and I am hating the recent episodes so much. Rather than concentrating on Abhira and their kid, they are busy portraying Abhinav as the most selfless human being who has too much self-respect and wants to start driving his taxi again. They are hell-bent on portraying Abhimanyu as the worst villain ever and playing the sympathy card with Abhinav.

Please vote, share, and comment. tell me how you find the ploy so far. You can also follow my profile as well.

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