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Neil lay lifeless on the gurney, while a constant flatline sound echoed through the room. Abhimanyu was numb, he was hit with a deja vu and kept looking at his hands which had taken an oath to save lives, were so useless when it came to his own family, both his brother and sister died in front of his own eyes and he couldn't do anything at all. He felt like a failure.

His train of thought was broken when a petite body hugged him tightly and cried her heart out. He looked at Akshu and realized that he had lost not only Neil but also his babies. Tears flowed freely from his eyes, He wanted to hug her back and wail for their loss but was too broken to do anything.

Harshwardhan Birla was in a daze, he couldn't believe his fate. All his life he had no idea about Neil's true identity and had treated him like an orphan. When he finally knew, he was in denial but eventually worked to amend their relationship.

He wanted to tell Neil that he loves him and Abhimanyu equally but he never got the chance. His son was laying lifeless on the bed. He was hated by his older son and he didn't get to spend time with his younger son. He was cruelly paying for his sins, god did not give him or his children the happiness of being a father or being loved by his children. 

His older son had lost his babies and his younger son won't have the chance to even look at his baby. Fate was so cruel. He looked at Abhimanyu who was now pulling a front and consoling the family, trying to become a pillar of support for his distressed family while blocking all his emotions. He sighed and finally teared up as the truth about his son's demise sank in.


Manjari kept pacing angryly. She could not believe her children's carelessness, she was going to give them both an earful for playing around. How could they go to the concert even after knowing about the risks of Akshara's pregnancy? How could they act so irresponsibly?

Her train of thought was broken when she heard the loud blaring sound of an ambulance, she was about to go and look at the commotion but stopped in her tracks when she saw the dreadful scene. Neil was brought back home on a stretcher, lifeless.

Manjari was stupefied. Aarohi fell to her knees as soon as she saw Neil's dead body. She couldn't believe it and started shouting and crying hysterically. Her husband, who had finally accepted her and had promised to mend their relationship, with whom she finally thought of falling in love, with whom she entertained the idea of spending her whole life with, the father of her unborn child was dead, just like that. She refused to accept the reality. Kairav and Vansh quickly ran toward her, trying to console her.

Shakily, Manjari sat down beside Neil's body and cupped his face. She lovingly stroked his hair and asked him to wake up, and that the prank was too much for her old heart, but when she did not get any response, she frantically shouted for him to wake up, she kept sobbing and refused to believe that her son is no more. Abhimanyu was torn and broken but since he felt like he had to take every responsibility and pull his family out of this misery, he had to act strong for his family.

He and Mahima quickly went to Manjari, trying their best to calm her down but to no avail. She was struggling hard, to get out of Abhimanyu's vice grip. She slapped him hard on the face shocking everyone, but Abhimanyu didn't budge or flinch at all. He kept embracing his mother while trying to calm her racing heart. Manjari finally lost and slumped back tirelessly.

Akshara was standing in a corner, her tears were endless, she could not stop crying and blamed herself. Their one reckless decision cost them three lives and endless sadness for the rest of their lives. 

Aarohi kept crying inconsolably in her brother's arms. She just couldn't digest the fact that she lost her husband. She couldn't believe her fate, how could her luck be this rotten? She sees Akshara from her peripheral vision and all her hate for Akshara came back with vengeance.

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