3 - playing to win

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Pomni and I immediately dashed off, running down the long pathway to the base of the tent. We took a few shortcuts, helping each other down and taking off to the center area.

We panted, our backs against some random colorful  blocks. Pomni looked at me, exhausted. "Okay... What's the plan now?"

"We find them," I said, determined.

"If you're trying to have a good line, maybe don't, because we don't even have a plan."

I winced. "Okay, we go around until we hear noise, or we ask Caine—"


Pomni yelped and covered her ears. "Caine!" she hissed. "Lower the volume, will you?"

I elbowed her. "Hey, be grateful he even volunteered. Very convenient timing, if you ask me."

Caine bowed midair, flying up high where everyone could see him. "The red flag... is near the entrance of the tent! And the blue flag," He put a hand to his imaginary ear, "Is up!"

He pointed up to the flag, where it was laying, no Jax in sight.

"What the @-_&, man! Where did that @-_#ing purple bunny go?" I whisper-yelled.

"We're screwed," Pomni muttered. "Okay, follow me. I'll take you to the entrance."


After a few minutes of jogging, I pulled Pomni behind a corner. We pressed our backs to a wall, panting softly.

"Okay," I gasp. "I need more exercise... they're right there."

Pomni chin-pointed past the wall. "We just have a little bit to go before we get to their flag—"


Pomni and I jumped away as the wall slowly started to fall down. I quickly yanked the jester back, diving on the floor to avoid being hit.

"Agh! Oh, it's (y/n) and Pomni." Kinger shouted, confused. "Wait, they shouldn't be here!"

I muttered something disrespectful about Kinger's slow brain and ass. "'Kay, Pomni, we need to get the hell out and re-strategize."

"You take left and I take right," she suggested.

"Got it."

I put three fingers up, counting down. "Three," I started.

"Two," we said together.


We both rushed out, Pomni running to the right and I to the left. Kinger shrieked, and a red ribbon suddenly ensnared Pomni by the waist, lifting her up and dragging her away.

"(Y/n)!" Pomni shrieked. "Get the flag!"

I couldn't afford to lose focus, so I leaped over ribbon after ribbon, avoiding the mess of traps that I assumed Gangle made. Once at the entrance, I scanned the area, quickly grabbing the flag and dashing out. "Pomni," I shouted, "I'm coming back! Just wait!"

I ran as fast as I could to lose the other team, the colors blurring as I ran. Suddenly I gasped, collapsing against a wall.

I looked down and saw a... glitch? My leg hurt like hell, making me collapse, against a wall, panting. "Caine!" I whispered. "You didn't exactly say where to bring the flag?"

"Ah!" Bubble appeared out of thin air, startling me. "I can go talk with Caine about that!"

He sold me out, I thought as I watched the bubble pop.

"(Y/n)!" Kinger called. "I really need that flag back."

He peeked against the wall I was at, his fingers wiggling. My heart pounded in my chest as he backed me against a corner, pressing me downwards. Maybe his ass isn't that slow.

A thump sounded, a blue bowling ball knocking over Kinger. A familiar purple rabbit walked over and held a hand out for me. "Jax the @-_#ing purple bunny at your service." he said mockingly.

I grumbled under my breath. "Jax#-&. How do I know that you're going to actually help me up?"

"You have my word."

"Does your word really mean anything?"

"That's for you to find out."

I tried standing up on my own but failed, groaning. My glutched leg shook as I slumped back down. "Ugh, whatever," I said, "Just take the flag."

"Nuh-uh, mousie, I don't want that stuff, I want you."

I blinked twice. I'm just gonna pretend that I didn't hear that. "...Okay?"

I extended my hand slowly, observing what Jax would do. He smirked down at me, grabbing my wrist and jerking me forward, making me yelp. I scrambled as I started to fall, but Jax caught me before I hit the floor. "Wow, falling for me too."

I slapped him off and tried to stand, but yelped. "Oh my god, what is happening?"

Jax finally saw my glitched leg, his eyes widening at the gravity of the situation. "Oh. Uh... Okay. I'll help you for real now."

"What even is it?" I asked.

"Basically, its the equivalent of breaking or spraining you ankle in the real world."

I collapsed onto the floor in exhaustion, the rabbit's arms doing nothing to slow my fall. "Okay Jax, just take the flag."

For once, he was silent as he took the flag from my hands. But instead of leaving me, he swung an arm under my shoulder. "C'mon—"

"It's going to take up to much time, Jax! Just go!"

"What's going on here?" Pomni suddenly appeared, unharmed.

"Pomni!" I extended my arms for a hug, which she returned. "My leg is glitched, and Jax is being a Jax@-$, so can you get the flag to the middle?"

"Sure." She looked to Jax with her hand out, which he stared at.

"I'm not giving you anything."

Both of us groaned simultaneously. "Jax, just give it to her," I said.


"Jax—" Pomni started.

I yanked the flag out of his grasp and tossed to Pomni, which she swiftly caught. "Thanks, (y/n)!"

"Hey, give that back!" Jax began to chase after her, but I grabbed his arm tightly and looked at him pleadingly.

He sighed. "Fine, I'll stay for you. Someone needs to make sure Miss Muse doesn't do anything dumb."


Jax simply smirked at me, shooing Pomni away. "Well," he said, "how did you even get your leg glitched?"

"Running from Kinger," I told him.

He muttered something under his breath. "Of course."


hi, im madi, your loyal author 😊


sorry for not uploading quickly enough, ill try harder!


also! go check out scared | a nico di angelo fanfiction. its set at the end of the titans curse and is super underrated compared to my nuzi book. please, go check it out!


thoughts on the story?

tysm for reading this crappy book ♥️

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