2 - this @-$_+ is stealing my food >:(

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The sound of my door opening woke me up. As I peeked an eye open, I saw a familiar purple figure holding a bright yellow... Bucket.

Shit, my groggy mind thought.

I scrambled out of the bed just as he poured water where my face would've been.

I stuck up my middle finger. "@-_& you."

His eyebrows furrowed. "I—how?"

I pointed to my huge mouse ears. "You're bad at sneaking around, by the way. Like, terrible."

"No I'm not!"

"Get out before my piccolo comes back."

He quickly scrambled to the door, but not before yelling at me. "Come out to the main area for breakfast!"

I groaned. "@+&$ you, #+_&@."

I got out of my pajamas, closing the door to my room and changing quickly into my blouse-corset combo. I looked at the mirror before brushing my corset off and heading out.


I decided to bring my flute case, since it was the definitive feature that everyone knew me by. So now I'm here, sitting at the end of an unnecessarily long table with a huge box strapped to my neck.

Jax noticed me picking at my pancakes and tapped my shoulder. "Newbie, are you gonna eat the food?"

I relaxed further into the chair, pushing the plate away. "Not hungry."

He chuckled. "You can't get hungry here. It's impossible."

"Then why do we eat?"

"Just because we can," he said. "C'mon, eat something. You won't regret it."

Hesitantly, I reached out to the utensils and grabbed them, but I didn't go further as I just stared at the food.

"Mousie, please eat something," Jax said, sounding... concerned?

I cut open a pancake, stealing the bottle for maple syrup and drizzling it everywhere.

"That amount of sugar is really unnecessary."

"Does it look like I care?"

"Good point, mousie. Good point."

I took a small nibble and my eyes widened. "Whoa."

He smirked at me. "See? Not that bad. Now," he picked up his own utensils and began to dig into my food. "I'm just gonna do thi—"

I slapped his hand away. "Don't steal my food."

Jax gave me his signature smirk as I dug into my food, more enthusiastically this time. After I finished, I stood. "Where do I put the plates?"

"Oh, just leave them," Ragatha said.

I smiled at her. "Thanks."

Caine popped up, just as I was starting to excuse myself. "Well, I see that everyone has finished their wonderful breakfast!"

I groaned to myself. This guy again.

"Now, to help us get our newcomer settled in, let's have a little adventure!"

This time, Jax grumbled loudly. "Okay, what is it."

He didn't even say it as a question, just a statement in a bored tone.

"Today's adventure is... capture the flag!"

Now, everyone groaned except for Kinger, who clapped his hands excitedly. "Ooh, fun!"

"You will all be split into two teams," he explained. "The objective will be to capture the other team's flag! Now, the teams are...

"Gangle, Kinger, and Ragatha protecting the red flag!"

The team high fived each other.

"Which leaves... Jax, Pomni, (y/n), and Zooble!"

Pomni and I high-fived each other, but Zooble stepped back. "Yeah, no. I'm gonna sit this one out."

"Oh come on, puzzle piece," Jax said. "Stick with the group."

Zooble narrowed their eyes. "@&$_ you all. Except for (y/n) and Pomni."

I snickered. "Essentially, @+$& Jax."

They nodded and pointed at me. "She gets it."

"Hey!" Jax complained.

They walked off, holding up what I assumed to be their middle finger, the black box hovering over it.

There was silence for about three seconds before Caine continued. "Now, here are the flags!"

The red flag materialized in Gangle's arms, and a blue flag appeared next to me.

"You will have five minutes to hide the flag and discuss strategy. You cannot hide it outside of the tent. Now, if you need anything, do not hesitate to call for me. Have fun!"

Caine disappeared into thin air, leaving all of us to side-eye each other.

I hefted our flag. "Now, where do you want to put this thing?"

Jax grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the group. "Let me lead the way, princess."

"Shut up. Hey, Pomni! We're going!"


Jax led us higher and higher up the tent, forcing me to climb stair after stair and ladder after ladder. "Jax?" I asked nervously. "Where are we going?"

"Just follow me."

"Wow, so descriptive."

"Look, nobody's coming up here."


Finally, we reached the top of the circus tent, where we found a platform that fit the three of us with a bunch of leftover space. "So..." Pomni started.

"Yes, psycho clown, we're putting the flag here."

Pomni grumbled, but relented.

"Hold up," I said. "What if we fall?"

"You can't die here, sweetheart," Jax said. "Sure, you can get injured, but you won't die."

"Very reassuring. What if I don't want to get hurt?"

"Well, do you want to win or not?"

"Usually, Caine gives us a reward for winning," Jax said. "For Pomni's first adventure, we got a huge digital meal."

My mouth watered at the prospect of more food. "Okay, I'm sold. We're winning this."

Pomni looked back up at us. "We need a strategy, by the way."

Jax looked back at me. "I'm not helping with that."

I grumbled. "Whatever. Jax stays here to guard the flag, and Pomni and I will try to take theirs. Sounds good?"

Pomni nodded. "Great. Now—"

A huge horn sounded, causing Pomni and Jax to cover their ears.

However, the volume didn't affect me at all. "Well," I said casually, "Looks like our five minutes are up."


hi, im madi, your loyal author 😊

capture the flag! yayy

also, a christmas special will probably be coming out, so stay tuned!

also! go check out scared | a nico di angelo fanfiction. its set at the end of the titans curse and is super underrated compared to my nuzi book. please, go check it out!


thoughts on the story?

tysm for reading this crappy book ♥️

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