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Pip was originally hoping that he could guilt-trip Damien into letting him into Hell. He would act miserable, which would attract Damien's attention and find some light deep in his dark heart and let Pip through. Pip believed he was a good enough actor to get his way (he had only ever acted once; in a Thanksgiving Play). He had always liked theatre.
He didn't expect it to work right away of course, but to his surprise, Damien gave in to kindness quite quickly.
"But we were friends for a bit, weren't we?" Pip had said, giving his best (and very dramatic) sorrowful expression.
"Yes, I suppose we were. Say, you would like it if we were friends again, right?" The words were unexpectedly sweet. Maybe too sweet, a kind of artificial sweet that coats the back of your throat and makes you nauseous. Pip really didn't pay any mind to that, though. All he could think is how Damien really had some good in his heart after all.
Pip was caught off guard by the sudden change of tone and Pip's success, but the surprise didn't last long.
"My, really??" Pip asked in genuine amazement. He may have manipulated a little, but he may actually gain a true friend out of this.
"Of course. It's lonely here in Hell too. Especially as a respected royal subject." Damien spoke softly.
"Truly? I would expect that as a Prince, you would have tons of friends," Pip replied.
"No. Everyone is intimidated by me. Which I was so surprised to see you here. I had hoped you would forgive me for what I had done to you when we met in the living world." Damien was so close to the edge of dropping blatant sarcasm in some of the words he spoke. But he held back. Pip didn't know any better anyway.
"Oh, it's alright! It's really hard to suppress the urges to blow up an unpopular schoolmate in order to be popular and be accepted by everybody else." By the cheery way Pip spoke, it was obvious that he truly believed that that was just the simple way of the social hierarchy.
"Ah, I feel so relieved," Damien said with next to no emotion in his voice, "Anyways, now that we're friends, wanna tell me how you died? It's basic ice breaker information, you know." Damien clearly just wanted to know if Pip suffered in his death.
"I don't know, some sort of giant dino robot. The last thing I remember was a giant shadow looming, and then I was here. I didn't get quite a good look at what it was." Pip shrugged.
Damien didn't say anything about that. Neither of them said anything at all after that. They both just stood their in silence, Damien basking in the heat of Hell and Pip being suffocated by it. Damien seemed to be waiting for something. Pip didn't know what. So they both just stood there.
After the awkward silence became more stifling than the heat, Pip spoke.
"So dear friend, now that we're acquainted again, can you give me a tour of Hell? You know, before we both go our separate ways and I have to go to my respected circle. Get used to the lovely place." Pip gestured to the barren crags of rock, spires of fire, and the screaming of tortured souls in the distance.
Damien glared at him before responding. Pip was worried that he would see right through him and lose a possible friend and a possible ticket out of this waiting line. But Damien collected himself and called over towards the front gates.
"JAMES!!" Damien shouted. Pip had to cover his ears from the sudden and booming voice from him.
James came out from behind a wall of fire. He was quite literally just an angsty bland teenager. He sighed as he exited the flames. Acne riddled his face. Pip wondered how, in all his days, could a teen like this become a simple servant of Hell.
"Yes, almighty Prince of Hell?" His voice cracked.
"Take over for me. I'm going to leave my post to show my new friend around."
Damien spat the words out like toxic venom. Pip beamed behind him, unaware of what was to come.


See You in Hell [PIP X DAMIEN] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now