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   What. The hell. Is this little British fucker doing to me??
   Damien had been so confused with himself when Pip had grabbed hold of Damien's shirt, holding tightly and pressing his body against the side of his. He didn't really have a choice whether to let Pip hold on to him or not; it wouldn't do any good to let Pip fall to his demise now. Their 'relationship' had barely even started yet. And Damien was still stubborn to stick to his plan.
   But at the same time, when he felt Pip's warmth, for the slightest second, hotter than the Sun itself, he wondered momentarily what it would be like if their friendship became real. But at the same time, he wondered what would happen if he let Pip fall. At the same time, he considered pushing Pip off him in disgust. Conflicting feelings clashed with more conflicting feelings, and it turned into a chain reaction of confusion within Damien.
   Damien let go of Pip as they walked down the steps of the crystal staircase, souls of the damned screeching from within its glass confines. Damien hugged his wings close to him, not ready to put them away just yet. He was deciding how to feel about the interaction between him and Pip from before. He decided to be ashamed of himself for now. There was no way he was starting to feel... affection for a puny peasant like Pip. The thought made him nauseous.
   "I thought the bridge would lead to the next circle, not force us to fall into it," Pip's voice was lowered into a shaky whisper, no doubt terrified from the experience. Damien shook his emotions away with a shake of his head. He wasn't going to look weak in front of Pip now.
   "Well, you better get used to things like that. That was just the entrance to Hell." Damien grinned, his pride in his domain returning. He refrained from giving any more terrifying facts about what was to come. He wanted to try and get closer to Pip, not make him more scared. He realized what he had just said wasn't very reassuring either, so he cleared his throat and added,
   "But it'll be alright, I'll protect you." Damien almost threw up. Those words were disgusting, especially coming from his own mouth. He coughed in his throat, trying to protect himself from reeling over the edge.
   Pip seemed instantly reassured by Damien's insincere words, however. He beamed at him, causing Damien to be physically unable to look directly at him. He took massive interest in the flames that were beginning to form a tunnel above them as they left the bridge farther and farther behind them.
   Then Pip took interest in Damien's wings. They were still tucked tightly around Damien's back, and Pip was staring at them with curious eyes.
   "I don't believe I ever saw you with wings before," Pip said, the strength in his voice had returned for the most part, "You looked like any other boy when I was... well, alive." Pip looked back up at Damien's face.
   It was true, Damien loses any demonic features when he goes up to the living world. His sharp teeth become blunt like any other human, his ears become rounded instead of harshly pointed, and his wings have the inability to come out. It was really inconvenient and annoying, as he looked pathetic without any of his intimidating features.
   Damien decided not to respond to that statement. Instead, the flames that surrounded them from all sides turned into a harsh shade of blue, which distracted Pip from continuing the conversation further.
   "Oh dear, what's happening now??" Pip said, taking a few steps closer to Damien, away from the walls of the tunnel, apparently scared of the heat that hammered their bodies. The blue fire was exponentially hotter than the common red.
   "We're entering Limbo."
   As Damien spoke, the tunnel in front of them gaped wide to reveal the First Circle of Hell that spread before them.


See You in Hell [PIP X DAMIEN] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now