Phone Calls.

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Ella had just joined us after saying she needed some fresh air. It was obvious she was just a bit shy and shocked everyone was staring at us, i just went on my phone and tried to block out everyone, i didn't like all attention on me either.

Just after i had placed a few chips in my mouth my phone rung...

'Incoming Call- AlfiePoo' i screamed and tried to swallow my food. Everyone stared at me and i just sat smiling like a twat

'HELLO HELLO'i shouted 'meg its alfie, right im sorry i didnt ring whilst they were on stage but i have someone here for you' alfie said my heart started beating one hundred miles an hour and i got really hot 'omg who' i said just then a deep voice came through the phone 'hello, is this megan?' i recognised it straight away.

Harry Styles.

How the fuck did alfie and marcus get to one direction. If they got backstage i was going to kill them when i saw them tomorrow. But omg i was on the phone to HARRY STYLES. My eyes widened and my mouth went dry. I nearly cried and caspar kicked me and raised his eyebrows and harry repated himself.

'omg im so sorry, yes its megan, how did alfie meet you?'i said taking deep breaths to calm myself down, i just looked at ella, as i couldn't consentrate otherwise 'um, well our management recognised thema nd brought them backstage and weve been talking for a bita nd alfie just told me to ring and speak to you, so hello' he said a bit rushed 'omg hi, im sat in the middle of a nandos meal with the janoskians, caspar, maz and my friend ella and im trying not to scream right now' i said he laughed 'yeah ive heard of them, and ive seen a few of yours and ellas videos, you girls are funny' he said then i heard a shout but i didnt quiet hear it 'oh and louis said youre hilarious too'he said 'omg hi louis, thanks guys so much it means so much'i said.

I think we spoke for another 10 minutes and then harry gave the phone to louis(as he was my fave but shh don't tell anyone;)) and then alfie said he had to go and he would speak to me tomorrow, i quickly expressed my undying love for him then he laughed and hung up. I kind of did a little dance in my seat as my stomach still had butterflies.

'I JUST SPOKE TO HARRY FREAKING STYLES AND LOUIS TOMLINSON'i said and grabbed ella into a tight hug 'um....meg.....i.....cant.....breath'she said, i let go and apligised and was literally hyper for the rest of the night 'im so sorry she isnt usually like this'caspar said to the janoskians 'why are you sorry? its fine, i was like this when hitting 100,000 subscribers' beau said i just smiled at him and quickly finished my tea, eager to get home and scream.

As everyone was conversing i got my phone out and cause i was in a happy mood i tapped daniel on the shoulder and got him to take a photo with me on my front camera, we took a few and i would be sure to upload them to twitter. I took a few with ella then checked my twitter mentions. I was bombarded with fangirls

'@megandellasgirl: @harry_styles @meggiemeg WHAT THE FUCK OMG'

'@HarrysGirll: @harry_styles @meggiemeg omg harry that was adorable xx'

'@MarcusButlersWife:@meggiemeg MEGAN COME ONLINE OMG HELP US ALL'

'@JanoskiansSkip:@Harry_Styles @meggiemeg MEGAN IS MEANT TO BE WITH DANIEL THOUGH, NOT YOU STOP' wow ok then.

'@CarrotsRUs: @harry_styles @meggiemeg im fangirling, help me'

and more similiar to them, i quickly check on harry's twitetr and saw that harry had followed me.

let me repeat. HARRY STYLES HAD FOLLOWED ME. I then noticed a tweet that was posted about 6 minutes ago.

'@Harry_Styles: just spoke to the amazing @meggiemeg on the phone. had a lovely conversation, will have to meet one day with the boys?'

wait wait wait. harry styles asked me and ella to meet him and 'the boys' like, i was sat in the middle of nandos trying to have a civilised meal with five australian youtubers, who i didnt really like anyway, and he decides to do that. I just dropped my phone and turned to ella with tears in my eyes.

'Meg, omg whats wrong' she exclaimed, everyone looked at me 'h-har-harry justomg' i stuttered, she got my phone and looked through it for a minute, then her eyes widened and she danced in her seat with me. She then told everyone what had happened and everyone was shocked and congratulating me. Daniel looked a bit sad so i just smiled at him and told him not to be sad and to eat the rest of his meal.

I quickly took this chance to reply to Harry's tweet, to not make it look like i was being snotty or anything. I also might have done a few fangirling tweets but who's taking note of them? not me thats for sure.

'@meggiemeg: @Harry_Styles thank you for ringing me and being lovely!!! i would LOVE to meet you and the boys, i'll try not to fangirl to much;) haha x'

Once everyone had finished, we got a few group photos, Daniel's hand wrapped around my waist, which iw asn't sure with but i just went with it and then we went our seperate wasy, me and ella climbing into the back of a taxi and heading back to our flat/house, me in a very hyper mood thanks to Alfie and Marcus.

I couldn't wait to see them tomorrow.

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