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to the ones who have been going ho-ho for Casteel, you better comment the fuck out of this chapter!

I wanna see how big your fanbase is
your comments will decide whether he gets his own story

buckle up, you aren't ready <3

early update because of your lovely comments!

36 | the prestige

Reece takes his time to heal. His recovery has been miraculously fast post the coma which has been the greatest relief. He still can't walk without support but he can stay up for hours. The morphine keeps his pain low at night since the doctors said that good sleep is the ultimate medicine.

Lizzie has gone back to LA but Ryan is a constant shadow over his brother. He takes the day duty and keeps nights for me since he has to take care of the business too. His hostile attitude has gone back to not giving two shits about me just like I do about him.

I also think he is embarrassed that I heard his emotional talk with his comatose brother which now makes him avoid looking at me.

"How are you feeling?" Dr. Carl asks Reece as he fills the syringe with a new dosage of morphine for the night.

"Excellent," Reece grunts, looking at his broken leg which is still limp. "Can I get more of that stuff you put in there?"

The doctor doesn't reply immediately. Instead, he meticulously examines the injection, ensuring precision, and then depresses the plunger slightly, allowing a small amount to escape before turning his attention to the saline bottle connected to Reece.

"Mr. Pierce, morphine can be addicting and from your blood reports, we have found other stuff that made your recovery even more impossible." He pushes the morphine in. I watch the transparent liquid drizzle out and wince internally, aware of the effects it has on Reece. "Don't test your luck anymore."

The needle draws out, accompanied by Reece's groan.

"Why are you speaking to me that way? That's so rude." He pouts, his eyes drifting open and close.

The doctor deposits everything into the bin, smiling softly at his patient. The smile makes him look younger than his fifty-five years from what I have discovered about him.

"I'm your mother's age, boy. Your whining won't work on me."

"Okay, I tried."

Reece yawns, and I sift my fingers through his hair to lull him to sleep. The more he sleeps, the faster he will heal.

"Stop it, Reece. You've been a handful to the staff," I say to my boyfriend. He cracks an eyelid open, smirking at me.

"Listen to your girl. Don't test your luck." The doctor pats his arm gently. "This will be the last dosage. After that, you've to bear the pain to heal. No more shortcuts."

"Stop scolding me," Reece says, fighting a smile. He likes getting a rise out of Dr. Carl. The old man reminds him of his favorite doctor from his childhood.

"I'm not scolding you." The doctor shakes his head, disappointment crossing his face. "How are you thirty-four?"

"He's the twin of the other one," I remind him, referring to Ryan who has been another pain in Carl's ass. "What did you expect?"

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