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12 | ruin me

My housemate just got herself a sex toy.

Scratching at the five-o-clock shadow adorning my chin, I feel my lips tugging into a knowing smirk as I stare at the words printed on the paper.

The purchase was made recently, just two days ago—the day when Mom came to visit. It was a purchase for a clitoris stimulation device with added advanced vibrating features. It didn't cost much considering the product isn't one of good quality.

"Guess what, Shiver?" I spin around to face my dog who has his eyes closed while he lies over my pillow. "Our girl is sexually frustrated. I'm making her horny."

Shiver cracks an eye open, lifting on his front legs and wagging his tail in lazy movements.

My grin thins as I give him a judgemental look, wondering how he is not at all energetic like I had imagined a golden to be.

Sighing, I drop the receipt and crouch in front of him. "Shiver? Don't sleep all the time. You're a Golden. You should be more enthusiastic."

He stands straight on all fours, not at all understanding what I have to say. He instead sticks his tiny tongue out, licking the tip of my nose. His tail wags faster as he waits for me to pat him like I always do.

Tatia was right. I am making my puppy lazy.

Shiver has grown a lot and by growing I also glaringly notice the unhealthy amount of fat he has accumulated without any exercise. All his physical activity consists of running around the penthouse all day behind Tatia and sometimes Hanson takes him for a run.

"You don't understand anything I say and yet you're the only friend I have," I say, lifting a hand to rub behind his ears. He coos at my touch. "Do you want me to hire a trainer for you? I feel like I'm doing something wrong."

He closes his eyes, going back to sitting on top of the pillow.

"Tatia said you were giving her judgy looks all week. Is that true? You can't do that, boy," I reprimand him, causing him to snap his eyes at me when I retrieve my hand. "She's our responsibility now and she takes care of you when I'm gone."

Mentioning Tatia seems to spoil his relaxed mood. He stands up on the pillow, barking at me like he is scolding me for taking her side.

I nod as if understanding his words while continuing, "I know she doesn't pat you. She's still scared. Be good to her, okay? She's—"

A screeching scream from outside my room puts my speech to a halt. Shiver and I exchange looks right before I am sprinting out of the room, the dog trailing behind me while letting out louder barks.

Anxiety grips me as I recognize the voice to be Tatia's

Did something happen to her? Has her fiancé managed to find her? Or did she just hurt herself?

None of the options sound good.

I follow the direction the sound came from and it leads me to the gym. Shiver and I step inside and my jaw falls open.

"What's happening..." I trail off when my sight lands on the flawless sexy beauty in front of me.

Tatia is dressed in a pair of hot red sports bra and black joggers. Her hair is tied into a ponytail and her feet are bare. She is dangling from a height of about seven feet from the pull-up bar machine that I had adjusted for my height. It is an automatic device that stays at that height until settings are changed.

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