Rise and Fall

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Jimmy looks ahead of him, the wind flashing through his hair and wings as he travels at the fastest speed he possibly can, hearing barely audible screams from behind him, he only clicks when he recognises one of the voices being that of Joel, he quickly turns his head to see his best friend with his arm outstretched towards him shouting.

Jimmy can't make ou a single word He's saying, but judging by the panic in his body language it can't be good, he quickly turns back around to where he was headed only to be met with a bright orange light a little less than five metres infront of his eyes.

Xisuma bursts through the halls of the castle, barging past one or two simple servants in his path, his breathing quickening, and his vision narrowing as he tries to find his way to the throne room.

"How many more until down there is completely filled?" Cub asks calmly, noticing the discomfort and anxiety trickling its way onto Biffa's face.

"I think about a hundred barrels, only a few more streets to place them under, then that's them all." Biffa nervously grips onto the hilt of his sword, finding Cub's plan moving forward, having sent him into a slow spiral of paranoia.

"Where are you putting barrels?" False wanders into the throne room with her goggles placed firmly on head.

"I believe that's none of your business, who even asked you to be here?" Hbomb smirks up to her from his seat at the table.

"She's lived here her entire life, i believe that loyalty gives her the pass to stay." Doc scoffs to Hbomb.

"That's ironic coming from someone who betrayed their king." Hbomb laughs before looking to Python and Doc.

"At least i didn't kill mine." Doc stands up and walks over to Hbomb, who he immediately towers over.

"I didn't kill him! his pet did!" Hbomb points to Cub before Doc pushes him back onto his seat.

"You really put this man on your council?" Python shakes his head listening to Doc snigger in the background.

"Hbomb, be quiet from now on, okay?" Cub stands himself up from the throne and pats him on the shoulders before walking over to Python. "When did they plan on leaving to get here?"

"A couple weeks from now, enough time to prepare for any sort of siege." Python smiles to him before the door barges open behind him.

Xisuma finds himself with his hands on his knees, struggling for breath, with countless pairs of eyes focused on him. "What is it, Xisuma?" Cub looks at him confused, wondering why the cloaked man had burst into the throne room.

"Gates, they're at the gates, nearly." Xisuma manages to spit out between breaths, causing everyone in the room to bounce into a state of shock.

"They're at the gates? Are you serious?" Python crouches down to him with his eyes wide open.

"Of course im serious. They're setting up camp outside right now!" Xisuma shouts while bringing himself to his own feet, his face being one of fear and confusion.

The room falls silent as all of them look to one another in confusion, not even Cub himself knowing what the next step is.

"The walls look empty. I can't see a single man defending them." Zedaph stares towards the top of the Dogwarts walls, said walls being void of all life.

"Those walls used to me manned every minute of every day. What happened to security in this place?" Joel asks, looking next to him where the former king of Dogwarts is stood.

"I wouldn't be so happy about his if i were you. It's just another one of Cub's games im going to assume." Ren shakes his head, learning that even if they had shocked him with their arrival that he would still be one step ahead.

Nobody wins. (Hermitcraft x life series members au)Where stories live. Discover now