Unlikely alliance

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The gates closed on me, barricading me from the kingdom i had served for years, the walls i had been inside since my birth, i look up at them for what i think will be the final time before turning away, walking down the path towards Stratos, as it is the only path to walk down.

I walk for a few minutes before hearing the gates opening from behind me, i make sure to jump into the forrest behind me to not be seen.

I could hear horses in the distance, getting closer and closer to me before i saw the king riding by, seemingly on his way to Stratos.

I made sure he's long gone before getting back on my path, coming across a path leading into a forrest, i suppose i couldn't go to Stratos, so this was my best option.

I walk slowly in being surprised by how colourful and lively it is beyond the first few layers of trees, people, and houses everywhere. This must be the mushroom forrest I've been hearing of.

It doesn't take much to find out i was right. The mushrooms everywhere make it pretty clear where i am.

Im met by a man around two inches taller than me, but these two inches mean a lot as he stares down at me, intimidating me before putting on one of the nicest smiles i have seen.

"Hey! what brings you here?" He asks, easing me a little.

"Banishment does, I've been kicked out of those walls." I say, pointing in the direction of dogwarts.

"Oh. Yeah, that's a shame. You're not the first banished person we've had. There was a boy around seven years ago as well, and Im Iskall, " the unusually accented man says, putting out a hand to me.

I shake his hand, "Im Xb." I smile, letting go before something clicks in my head. "Wait, the boy, what was his name?" I ask, remembering the time of when Scar was banished.

"Oh, it was Scar. He was only around ten. i can't believe they'd banish him." He says, turning around and beckoning me to follow him.

"Is he still here? Where is he? I know him!" I ask quickly, keeping up with him.

"Really? You know him? well, he left about two years ago. He said he was going to search for his mother as she had been banished too, i don't know where he is now." He says, leading me into the same mushroom Scar had been brought into to.

"Thank you, I'll find him." I say, looking around and spotting another woman in here.

"Oh hey, who's this Iskall?" She asks the other man and gives me a smile.

"This is Xb, a friend of Scar's, and newly banished." He says, walking behind her to get himself a drink.

"You're a friend of Scar's?" She asks me with a hopeful look on her face.

"No, but i knew him, and now im hoping to find him." I say, smiling at her before she turns around to go to a shelf.

"Well, this came a couple of days ago. It's from his friend, i think, but he hasn't been here to give it to him, and I'd be happy if you could deliver it." She pleads to me handing me a letter similar to the one Grian's father had given me.

"I will, i promise." I say, nodding my head at her before turning around to leave.

"Wait!" Iskall shouts, running up to me and handing me a sword and sheath. "It's the best we have, one of the best swords in the entire country. You need it to get to him." He says, placing his hand on mine and nodding.

"I'll do my best." I take the sword and leave, trying to pick a direction to go and find Scar, for Grian's sake.

"Do you think he can do it?" Stress asks Iskall with hope in her eyes.

Nobody wins. (Hermitcraft x life series members au)Where stories live. Discover now