Loyalty or Survival

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Xisuma watches closely as the flamed arrow flies over his head, landing on the ground only a few metres away.

He pulls his sword from its sheath, letting it fall to his side as a large smirk appears on his face, looking towards the quiet and dark city of Stratos, a status that is about to change.

"Alright, light them up." He sighs, hearing as flames are ignited behind him, and in a matter of seconds, hundreds of arrows were shooting over his head beyond the walls of Stratos.

"Something is wrong. It doesn't take a genius to sense it." Impulse scoffs, standing up and marching his way over to the large wooden door which he tries to push open, only for it to stay closed.

"We've been locked in." Jimmy sounds worried, trying to push open another door, which refuses to budge.

Hypno pulls out his sword, starting a chain effect of others doing the exact same thing, and in a moment, everyone here who owns a sword is holding it.

"I don't think they want to kill us yet. Look outside. This is a siege." Ren points outside, noticing the lit arrows gliding across the sky.

"Allow me." Zedaph walks slowly towards the large wooden door, pulling out a small jar of what seems like a purple liquid.

"Zed, what are you doing?" Lizzie asks, confused, hearing the fizzing pop as the jar is opened.

"Stand back." He replies boldly, waiting until everyone in the room is away from the door, which he throws the jar onto, hearing it shatter as the purple liquid drips down it.

"Well done, Zedaph, you really got us out of here." Python scoffs, shaking his head as he looks towards the others.

Zedaph picks up a torch from one of the walls, calmly walking back towards the door where he simply throws it onto the purple liquid, which instantaneously ignites with an almost blinding flame, instantly opening a hole in the door.

"Thanks." He smiles towards Python, who smirks and rolls his eyes.

"Someone stay with the kids, bring them to the top floor of the castle, anyone who can fight, with me." Joel steps out of the room, finding others following close behind.

"Stop firing, time for us to get involved." Xisuma climbs atop his horse, raising his sword as high as he possibly can before riding forward towards the opened Stratos gates.

"Sorry, Mumbo, it was nothing personal. You simply saw too much, and Cub sends his regards." Hbomb crouches over Mumbo's body, dropping a small golden coin onto his chest before watching the countless men riding towards the gates he had opened.

Martyn tries smashing his arm against the door, the wine now reaching beyond his ankles with no means of slowing down.

"Let me out!" He shouts as he kicks the door, finding himself falling backwards into the liquid with a splash.

"Alright, come with me, you three, I'll take you up to the room upstairs, okay?" Lizzie looks to Scar, Grian, and Bdubs, who nod to her.

"Wait, i want to go fight." Scar stops suddenly, pulling out the sword Grian had given him, which had originally belonged to Iskall.

"Scar, are you sure, i can't stop you, but it's dangerous out there." Lizzie crouches down to his level, looking into his eyes in an attempt to find fear, only to find anger.

"Im sure." He replies, feeling almost like it's his responsibility to protect the people here, to protect his brother, to protect Grian.

"I'll happily take him." Python smiles down to Lizzie and Scar, running his finger along the sword he had killed Iskall to obtain, and now, with his eyes set on its pair.

Nobody wins. (Hermitcraft x life series members au)Where stories live. Discover now