The Beginning and The Ending

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<Thirteen years ago>
End of the war.

"My king, Stratos soldiers are breaching the walls!" Bdubs says as screaming can be heard from outside the castle.

Ren looks down at the ground, sitting on his throne and clenching his fists, "Dogwarts can't fall, not today." he says, standing up and making his way to the exit.

"What are you doing? You're going to get yourself killed!" Bdubs shouts, trying to stop Ren from leaving.

"Im going to go down with my kingdom." He says, picking up his battle axe on his way out.

"Are you insane? Stop!" Bdubs shouts, but he can't get through to Ren, who is already standing outside the main entrance to the castle.

He watches as houses around the kingdom burn and his soldiers fall,
"It's really over. What do you advise to do now hand?" Ren asks his hand with tears forming in his eyes.

"You should ring the bell, surrender, end this chaos." Bdubs says, pointing up at the bell tower.

He sighs, looking over his kingdom once again, as the enemy advances closer to him, nodding his head to allow Bdubs to signal the bell.

Bdubs smiles, nodding his head at the archer behind them, who shoots a flamed arrow straight into the sky, and seconds later, a loud chiming echoes throughout the kingdom, bouncing off every wall as soldiers drop their weapons.

One soldier who does not give up is Stratos' higher ups, with his sword against the neck of a man below him, the man below him being a knight of the king.

"Any last words." The man with a sinister smile asks poking the sword further, to which the man below him refuses to say anything, yet he hands the man two letters, one with an address and writing on the front, and the other with only a name, Xb.

"Il deliver these for you." The other with at least some respect for final wishes says as the doomed man smiles at this.

"Thank you." he whispers as he feels for only a second a sword entering him, the last second of his life he died protecting his kingdom, a kingdom which had surrendered.

Days after this, Xb found himself being handed a letter from a soldier unknown to him.

"What is this? Who is it from?" He asks, looking at the other who had another letter in his pocket.

"Read it and find out." He said before turning around and walking away, not caring to say goodbye.

"Okay then." Xb mutters as he looks at it for a few seconds, right before opening it to read.

'Please, Xb, always protect my son. As your friend, it is my dying wish. Do not let harm come to him. You were a great friend and a great soldier to fight alongside.'

He drops the letter realising who it's from, one of his closest friends, who had clearly been killed in the war. He feels guilty that he wasn't there to protect him, although he now has a duty to protect his son.

The other man follows a local who is directing him to the address. He simply places the letter under the door before walking away, making sure to stop and look back at the home wondering if this is the home of his family or a friend.

He starts to walk back to the castle where he is to be meeting with the others from Stratos.

He sees the destruction they caused to the kingdom, the blood stained on the pavements and the broken walls, which people are still cleaning up.

When he reaches the main street, soldiers are plastered everywhere, a mix of Stratos and Dogwarts. He walks up the street before he sees a seemingly angry man in a black and yellow trenchcoat in front of him.

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