The Bronx Zoo Incident Part 1

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1 Hour later, Frost and Ersa arrived at the Bronx Zoo and They saw Leo with a Megenta Haired Girl

1 Hour later, Frost and Ersa arrived at the Bronx Zoo and They saw Leo with a Megenta Haired Girl

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Frost: Who is this Leo?

Leo: This is my older sister Terra, Terra, This these are my new friends I told you about, Frost and Ersa

Terra: Hola...

Terra was scolling on her phone, It seemed like she was oblivious to what was going on, Frost and Ersa wave at Terra and the Four of them walk into the Zoo. As the group check out Exhibits, Terra takes pictures/videos of Frost and Leo messing with some animals.

The first exhibit they went to was a Lion Exhibit

Leo: You probably feel tough doing all that growling and crap but the truth is, you're behind glass, No vas a hacer una mierda

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Leo: You probably feel tough doing all that growling and crap but the truth is, you're behind glass, No vas a hacer una mierda

Terra: Relax with the language Leo Por el amor de Dios...

Leo: ..."Relax with the language" She says as she Curses herself

Terra: ....Cállate idiota....

The next exhibit they visited was the Gorilla Exhibit

The next exhibit they visited was the Gorilla Exhibit

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Frost: Hey look Ersa its yo-

Ersa punches Frost in the stomach

Ersa: Don't start being like Ceasar, or else I'll give you the backhand

Frost: It was a joke jeez...

29 minutes later, The last exhibit the group visit is the Bear exhibit but something was different about one of them, when it was the Bears' feeding time, 2 Bears fought over salmon and the stronger Bear ripped the salmon from the weaker one's mouth and ate it as a way of mocking the weaker Bear.

The Weaker Bear stood up on its hind legs as if challenging the stronger Bear, The stronger Bear looked at the weaker one and Blue Electricity started flowing around The Stronger one and shocked the whole crowd including the Zookeepers

The Weaker Bear stood up on its hind legs as if challenging the stronger Bear, The stronger Bear looked at the weaker one and Blue Electricity started flowing around The Stronger one and shocked the whole crowd including the Zookeepers

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Frost: First a Lava Crocodile, Now a Thunder Bear..Whats something this world's nature doesn't have?!

Terra: That..can't be right...

A little boy was sitting on a railing got too close the edge, and before his mother could stop him he fell into the exhibit, everyone started panicing, crying and screaming for the boy

Terra: ¡¡Ay dios mío!!

Leo: Holy crap that's a far drop!!

Frost: I-It shouldn't be that ba-

The kid hits the ground and he breaks his legs in the process

Frost: Ok someone need to go down and get him

The noises get the Large Bear's Attention as it turns to the little boy and growls in a low-pitch. 3 Zookeepers rush in and confront the Bear with Tasers but the Bear smacks the Taser away and jumps on one of the zookeepeers and start mauling their neck, the other 2 zookeepers zap the Bear but all it does is power it up as a burst of electricity fills the Exhibit both the Bears and Zookeepers get paralyzed and can't move.

The Bear walks towards the little boy and Is is about to clamp its jaw against the boy's neck until it gets shot by a man with a shotgun, The Bear stares up at the man and switches its objective as it starts climbing up the wall on the Exhibit and people start to run away, Frost, Ersa, Leo and Terra look at eachother

The Four of them: We should Go...

They quickly run as fast as possible but unlikily for them, when the Bear climbed up, Leo was the first one it saw and charged towards him. The Bear grabbed Leo by the leg with its mouths and started thrashing his leg around like a chew toy.

Terra turned around and screamed for her brother in horror, Frost and Ersa also see Leo and Frost's heart drops to his stomach as he watches his Friend get Mauled, Terra rushes towards the Bear and Kicks it but the Bear gets off of Leo, Jumps on Terra and bites her arm as she starts screaming.

As Frost watches this all go down, he clenches his fist and his Sclera turn black as his Dracion features start to get exposed. Ersa tries to warn Frost that the time for the human reversion potion is almost up but Frost dashes towards the Bear? kicks it in the face before it could bite Terra's neck and The kick launches the bear to a wall, Frost's vain start popping from his Arms and Forehead and Terra and a Barely alive Leo were shocked to see Frost's real self.

Terra: Ay dios mío....

Leo: F-Frost.....?

Frost: Ersa, take Terra and Leo and find a medic, they're bleeding out badly

Ersa stares at Frost as she also turns back into original self and her silence pisses off Frost as his eyes turn black and his hair slightly spikes up

Frost: Take them before they pass out damnit!!!

Ersa jumps at the tone of Frost's voice, helps both Terra and Leo and runs to try and find a medic, Frost's hair and eyes turn back to normal but the vains in his arms remained popped out.

Blue Electricity flows through the Bear's Fur as it Rushes Towards Frost and does a menacing Roar.

To be continued...

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