Lay low Ersa! Dracions and Robot vs Alexis

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Later that Night, Frost went back to Dr. Brooks' House and when he got there he was shocked to see two familier faces, It was Ersa and what seemed to be a nearly destroyed Miles...Frost ran up to them both and hugged them

Frost: H-How did you guys get here..?

Ersa: Miles was some how still functional and was a able to track you but when we got here you were already gone..and Miles "died"

Frost looks at the powered down Miles and then nodded at Dr. Brooks as a way of saying thank you

Frost: ...How did this happen...?

A Couple Days Earlier

Ivy and Co get into Fighting Stances as they oppose Alexis, 2 of Ivy's Vines Launch towards Alexis and Alexis swiftly jumps over the Vines but Ivy's other 2 Vines smack Alexis back down to the ground and Felix Bum Rushes Her and pins her to the floor using his Tail, It doesn't last long though as a Blade comes out of Alexis's Wrist and she slices off half of his Tail causing him to Yelp in pain

Paragus Activates Rage Boost and swiftly Tackles Alexis, as this is happening, Miles watches deeply into the fight and analyzes how Alexis Fights, Marceline helps Paragus as they both headbutt Alexis in the face and their horns cause her eyelids to crack as she crashes to a wall. As Everyone Regroups, Mayor Goodman watches from afar

Mayor Goodman💭: You think she's done?

Alexis begins to emerge from the rubble as everyone looks in shock

Mayor Goodman💭: After all....She is...My Best Assasin!

Alexis' eyes glow green as her left arm forms into a sword, Marceline looks at Paragus with worry as a sweat droplet runs down the side of his face, Alexis then rushes at the group but Miles stops her as the blade cuts through his hand, Alexis uses her heel to kicks Miles off her but Miles grabs her right arm and as he pulls down Alexis he kicks her in the stomach which launches her back

Alexis: No more games....

As Miles stands up to recover, Alexis dashes towards him at super speed and starts slashing him up head to toe, She cuts off his hand, his right ear and stabs him in the eye. Alexis then grabs Miles by the neck and throws him out the window, Felix then kicks Alexis back to the same wall she crashed in and Ivy and the rest flew out the window (with Finn carrying Ersa) to check on Miles

Paragus looks at how Miles' body is seizing and sparking but still somehow functional

Paragus: Ersa, take Miles and find Frost

Ersa picks up Miles and Looks at Them

Ersa: how will you guys deal with a crazy robot like that...?

Ivy: Honestly....We don't know...we'll just buy you time until you're far enough

4 Vines grow out of Ivy's back and Paragus reactivates his Rage Boost while Marceline and Finn just get into a fighting stance. Alexis blasts open the wall while holding Felix by his hair as he's bleeding from his nose, head and arms, Marceline sees this as her hair and eyes turn Blue and She spreads open her wings to block Ersa and Miles from Alexis.

Alexis throws Felix to the side and her left arm changes from a Sword to a Taser, Ersa with Miles over her shoulder Runs as fast as she can away from the area but Miles is too heavy for her to run at full speed, 5 minutes later, Ersa reaches a lake and hears Alexis near by, She takes herself and Miles and jumps deep into the lake.

Alexis walks by and scans the area

Alexis: Damn....Those two must've escaped...

Alexis stops scanning and walks away, after a while Ersa comes out of the water with Miles as she gasps for air

Ersa: -Heavily Breathing- I..I need to find Frost...

Sudden as Ersa starts walking, Miles' eyes flicker and he raises his head up

Miles: I could find..Frost's Location.......

Ersa: R-Really? Then what are you waiting for, just do it..

Miles's eyes keep flickering as he looks at the city and his eyes slowly turn black

Miles: "Forgin Street, 21B7".....Thats where he is......

Ersa: You can't fly me there?

Miles struggles to talk as his voices starts distorting

Miles: My power is on its last leg...What I can send you across the river...

Miles' feet turn into jet boots as he picks up Ersa and takes her across the lake as his eyes keep flashing black, when they reach the otherside Miles falls on his knees

Miles: I'm a-about to power down...I'm gonna leave finding Frost to you.....entering power saving mode...

Miles' eyes turn white and his body completly falls on the ground as Ersa picks him up

Ersa💭: Ok..."Forgin Street, 21B7"...You got this.....

Current Day

Ersa: it wasn't easy but I was able to find this address

Dr. Brooks analyzes Miles' Body and to him he's not that hard to fix

Dr. Brooks: I can fix your Robot, It will take sometime off my Job and a take a couple of days to do though

Frost: Thats fine

Dr. Brooks: Now...lets temporarily make you human now

Ersa has a mixed face of shock and confusion

Ersa: "Temporarily human"?? What?!

Frost: Its a long story but Dr. Brooks can make a potion that can temporarily make you human, but with the ingrediants I got...

Frost pulls out an Apple Stem, and a Rats Tail

Frost: it could only be used on one of us

Ersa: Dude.....What the hell???

Frost: Again its a long story

Frost gives Dr. Brooks The Rat Tail and The Apple Stem and Dr. Brooks heads down stairs to the basement and 20 minutes later he comes back upstairs with the potion and 2 cups, he pours half of the potion in one cup and the other half in the other cup and gives them to Ersa and Frost

Dr. Brooks: Drink This. Because its reduced to half, you time as humans will be shorter

Frost and Ersa drink the potion and after awhile, Frost's Horns, Wings and Tail Disappear, His Sclera turns white and the same happens with Ersa

Frost: Wait....Didn't You say there was a third ingrediant?

Dr. Brooks: Human Siliva, Yes.

All three of them are Silent as Dr. Brooks coughs and adjusts his glasses

Frost and Ersa: UGH! WHAT THE FUCK?!

Dr. Brooks: It was for the greater good

Frost: Does the greater good include me being sick?! I don't know if you noticed but alot of people have been wearing masks recently, and I'm not trying to be one of them!

Dr. Brooks: Vidco-20 has nothing to do with siliva, and I'm already vaccinated-

Ersa: Vidcorona, Covid, we don't care what the disease is called that's still disgusting!

Dr. Brook: I apologize, I'll be considerate about the ingrediants next time

Ersa: Ugh I'm gonna throw up....

To Be Continued...

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