Pilot (3/5)

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Meanwhile on Earth

Scientists 1: Sir, the mechine has been on for more than 2 hours, we should turn-

Dr. Brooks: keeps it on!!

Scientists 1: but sir!-

Dr. Brooks: I said Keep it on!!!

Meanwhile on Dracionia

Paragus was Peacefully sleeping in Him and Marceline's room until Marceline started shaking him until he woke up

Paragus: what hun?

Marceline: Frost is gone!

Paragus: you sure he didn't go to Ersa's house

Marceline: I already went there, Ersa says he's not there

Paragus sprang up Staring at Marceline and then facepalmed

Paragus💭: F*cking hell...

A few hours later, Marceline printed Missing Flyer and Her, Paragus, Felix and the rest of the family put them around town, Meanwhile Frost is standing on top of a Building and as soon as he's about to lift off...his stomach grumbles

his stomach grumbles

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Frost💭: Crap...

Frost looks down and sees a HotDog stand near by, He checks to see if he has any money but he only has 10 dollers in his wallet

Frost💭: I usally don't eat Hotdogs so lets hope I can afford it

Frost flies down to the Hotdog stand and its only 5 dollers per hotdog. Frost pays for the hotdog, he then Flies to a park nearby and starts eating the hotdog. As he's eating, homeless man walk up to him

Homeless Man: Hello young man, may I please have that hotdog

Frost: Uhh-

Homeless Man: Please sir, I haven't eaten all day...

Frost: sorry but i paid for this Hotdog-

Homeless Man: Give it to me!!

The Man starts to get very Aggressive towards Frost, Unfortunently for him, Frost throws the hotdog in the air and whips the man with his Tail knocking him out

Frost: that was a close one-

Frost's hotdog then falls onto his head and the sasuage slides off, falling onto the ground

Frost: you gotta be kidding me...

Frost takes the bun from his head and continues eating it, not caring if theres hair on the bun, later, Frost then Flies to a bridge and decides to take a nap there, meanwhile the homeless man wakes up and sees Felix holding a flyer of Frost

Felix: Sorry to interupt your nap but have you seen this guy

Homeless Man: yes, I happened to see him just about...1...2 hours i think... or was it half an hour?

Worlds Apart: A Draconic TaleWhere stories live. Discover now