Pilot (4/5)

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Meanwhile, Felix finally found the exit from Area 51 only to find more humans on the outside. Some of the raiders were running with their hands behind their backs

Felix💭: Do all humans run like this...?..If so, I'm glad Dracions aren't like them

Felix flies up while carrying Miles, but all he sees is a desert and some military vehicles

Felix: What type of cars are these...?

Felix then puts Miles down and tries to turn him on

Felix💭: Why the hell did Frost put a voice recognition password on a robot...I don't even remember the password

Felix: .....Chicken-Butt.....

Miles doesn't turn on

Felix💭: Eh, that sounds like a password he would make...

Meanwhile, Frost and Ersa rushed around Area 51 to find the rest of Frost's family, as they were searching, they found Finn and Ivy, who were in under a table and used an Axe to defend themselves, this caused Frost and Ersa to get jump-scared

Frost: Finn! Ivy! Why the hell are you two hiding under a table?!

Ivy: Why did you two jumpscare us?!

Finn: We were scared, ok!?

They all eventually calmed down, and Frost asked Finn to give him the axe

Frost: I'll need this for later..

Finn: Umm....ok

Meanwhile, Dr. Brooks has stopped only 21 Raiders so far

Dr. Brooks: I'm only going to ask you all this once....Leave. This. Area...!

Adult Raider: Don't let the old man intimidate you! We must keep moving!!

Dr. Brooks: -sigh- I warned you youngsters...

Dr. Brooks opens his third eye, and it causes him to see the future. After a while, Dr. Brooks was overpowering the Raiders in hand to hand combat. Meanwhile, Paragus and Marceline woke up in separate cells on a different floor

Paragus: ...What...Happened?

Paragus noticed Marceline in a cell across from him

Paragus: Marceline! Marceline, wake up!

Paragus sprang up and pulled on the bars. He desprately tried to break them but it was no use, Paragus began to get angry and a maroon tinted aura started to surround him

Paragus manages to bend the bars open and does the same for Marceline, Paragus tries to wake up Marceline by shaking her but she's out cold, The Aura around Paragus disappears and he carries Marceline out of the cell and tries to find his way to t...

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Paragus manages to bend the bars open and does the same for Marceline, Paragus tries to wake up Marceline by shaking her but she's out cold, The Aura around Paragus disappears and he carries Marceline out of the cell and tries to find his way to the surface

To Be Continued...

Worlds Apart: A Draconic TaleWhere stories live. Discover now