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Meanwhile, Frost was still getting chased and was trying to change the Grey Imp's mind about sending him to the Police, eventually Frost got cornered in an ally

Frost: Look, dude, the only reason we stole food from that store is because my family and I got sent here against our will because of some scientists! Now we're trying to lay low until we find a way back to Dracionia

The Grey Imp: ......"Dracionia"...?...A planet with Dracions?...Existing, good Dracions?

Frost: What do you mean good Dra- Nevermind, can you just believe me...please?

The Grey Imp: .......Fine....

The both of them suddenly hear a voice

Policeman 1: They went this way!

The Grey Imp: Ah Shit! Quick, hide in that dumpster

Frost: You want me to hide in there?!

A few seconds later, the two police officers saw The Grey Imp having his hands over the dumpster

Policeman 1: Grey Imp! Do you know where the Dracion went

The Grey Imp: No...he beat me in a struggle, I'd assume he's somewhere in brooklyn, maybe downtown

Policeman 2: Alright, thanks Grey Imp, you're one of the best

The Grey Imp: I get that alot

The Police officers leave and The Grey Imp opens Dumpster

The Grey Imp: You can come out now

Frost: -Bleh!!- I see why you Humans wears masks now, its because of nasty crap like this

The Grey Imp: We wear masks for...a different reason...oh hey you have a little friend

Frost: What do you mean?

Frost looks at the tip of his tail and sees a Rat hanging from it. He then screams at the top of his lungs


The Grey Imp: Its just a Rat...relax

The Grey Imp takes the Rat and puts it on the ground

The Grey Imp💭: This guy would not want to meet Terra...She brought her pet Rat to the academy at one point


Felix and Ivy were In the back of a Black Car while Laura was driving and Clark was in the passenger seat and staring at Felix and Ivy from the mirror....It was dead silent

All of Them: ..........

Laura: Is there anymore of your kind on Earth?

Felix: "Your Kind"?!

Ivy: Um, Yes, Our family is living in a-

Felix covers Ivy's mouth

Felix: N-No, Its just us Three...

Clark: Three..?

Ivy: -sigh- our brother is out there somewhere....

Laura💭: 10 years into this shit and I still can't catch a break....

Clark: And about your family

Ivy: -under her breath- Shoot! -outloud- ...they live in an Abandon apartment...

Worlds Apart: A Draconic TaleWhere stories live. Discover now