Cold Weather And Disobeying Momma

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ASL is in italics

New Jersey: Momma, Mommy
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey: Pamela "Pammy, Pam"
Delaware River Port Authority of Pennsylvania and New Jersey: Cam (This is her official name)
Delaware River and Bay Authority: Riley
Massachusetts Port Authority: Massie


"Mommy, can we go outside? We wanna go ice skating!" Cam knew Momma would've said yes if it wasn't so cold.

"No, it's five degrees Fahrenheit with wind chill that makes it feel like negative twenty. You are not going outside today."

"We have the proper clothing!"

"No and that's final." Momma stated, turning around, "I have to look over some files and do some paperwork for my state. Don't do anything. I'll be in my room if you need me."

Pammy huffed and crossed her arms over her chest as she watched Momma walk away.

"Let's call New York." Pammy declared as she ran over to the phone once Momma was out of earshot.

"We don't know his phone number and he doesn't know you or me or Riley exist." Cam informed. Pammy huffed.

"I wish Massie was here. Then we could do something fun." Pammy hissed.

"We can. How about we get on our warm clothes, put on our skates and go ice skating!" Riley suggested. Pammy lit up.

"Yes! Come on!" Pammy cheered. Cam sighed.

"We are so gonna get caught." Cam signed to herself.


Pammy was the first to hit the ice on the freezed over lake at the left side of their house. It was freezing. They could feel it cut sharply through their clothes. Cam shivered. It was way too cold. She wanted to go back inside.

They should've just listened to Momma. Despite the cold, Pammy still did several spins and some other things on the ice.

"What is she doing?" Riley inquired as Pammy jumped, spinning in the air before landing on her feet.

"Something Momma taught her. I'm not sure what figure skaters do." Cam signed as she stepped onto the ice.

"Momma's a figure skater!?" Riley yelped. Cam looked at Riley with disbelief.

"She...told us this. Didn't you hear? Also, she was. She no longer is." Cam questioned.

"No. I wasn't listening." Riley responded. Cam sighed, rolling her eyes as she took off toward Pammy. Riley groaned, following Cam.

"What are you doing?" Riley shouted over the wind. Pammy landed her jump and turned towards her two siblings.

"I was doing a double axel. I'm hoping that if I practice a double axel enough times, I'll be able to land a triple axel." Pammy answered.

"Cool! Can I try?!" Riley squealed. Pammy suddenly looked nervous. Cam could understand. Riley was no figure skater. She wasn't even that good at ice skating.

"What? It can't be that hard. I mean, all you do is skate," Riley replied, starting to skate around, "and then you jump."

Cam could see Pammy gasp with a horrified look on her face. Cam knew that this wasn't going to go well.

And she was right.

When Riley landed, her ankle on the foot she landed on decided to give up and bent outwards. Cam cringed as Riley fell onto the ice, hitting her head. It took a few moments for Riley to realize the agonizing pain in her ankle and head.

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