New Year's With True Family

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I just randomly made this up at 8 pm. Enjoy!

Trenton: Trent
Jersey City: JC
Boston: Bossie
Hartford: Hart
New Jersey: Jersey
Connecticut: Connie
Delaware: Dela
Rhode Island: Rhode
Atlantic City: Atlantic
Cape May City: May
New Haven: Haven


"No, because Tallahassee is so hot." Trent blurted out, slurring her words. Well, that was out of pocket.

"Damn, Trenton!" JC yelped. Bossie didn't know how this conversation even started. She wasn't even listening. She had been lost in her mind, looking down at her glass of wine. Everyone at her table was drunk, even her husband.

"What? I mean she's got a big personality." Trent defended.

"Like every other Floridian ever." JC countered.

"How about we stop talking about Tallahassee and how hot she is and talk about when JC and Bossie are going to get remarried. I mean, it's going to be the New Millennium soon." Hart interjected.

"Hart's right. When are you guys going to get remarried?" Trent agreed. Bossie rested her chin on her knuckles. She glanced at her husband to see him staring back. She sighed.

"Honestly, I was thinking the second week of January. Maybe in the middle of the second week." Bossie answered. Trent hummed.

"What do you think, JC?" Hart asked.

"I like it." JC replied. Bossie didn't think he was being honest. He was drunk off his ass.

"Are you going to spend the New Year's with your family?" Trent inquired. Bossie chuckled.

"Fuck no, I barely come to their birthdays. They wouldn't care if I didn't spend New Year's with them." Bossie responded. Trent cocked her head.

"Why?" Bossie looked at her. Why? Well, it was a stupid question. Jersey, Connie, Dela, Rhode and all of their cities were her family. Her true family. She didn't need her father or her siblings. They meant nothing to her. They didn't care for her like they did. They didn't make her feel anything.

She needed someone to make her feel happy and loved like JC, Trent, Hart and the others. Bossie turned and looked at all of the others dancing and partying around. They had been at the first wedding between her and JC. Her actual family hadn't been invited. They didn't even know. They still didn't know.

She remembered when she first asked Jersey to marry his son. The shock. Jersey needed a letter from her father so she could marry JC for some reason. She had gotten Connie to forge the letter. Jersey wasn't happy when he found out, but let it slide.

He didn't seem to really care about the letter. She also knew her father wouldn't be happy. She had been hiding a marriage between her and JC since the early 1700s. She turned back to see Trent, JC and Hart all staring at her.

"Well, it's because I have my true family right here." Bossie answered. She felt like she was pouring her heart out to them, but she had learned to do that with them. Trent smiled before laughing. JC smiled sweetly at her. Bossie blushed and felt butterflies in her stomach as JC grabbed her hand.

Despite having been married for decades, he could still make her feel giddy and warm inside, even if he was drunk. She could hear Trent and Hart giggling behind them, but she didn't care. All she wanted to do was drown herself in his big, bright, lively green blue eyes.

"Countdown!" Bossie's focus broke when she heard Atlantic shout. Why did he have such a Southern accent? She smiled and lifted her drink high in the air. The rest of the cities did as well. She felt her hand being lifted away from her thigh, but she didn't think anything of it.






As the clock struck twelve, they all slammed their glasses on their tables. Some downed theirs immediately like Trent. Some laughed or cheered, leaving their glasses on the table like Hart. Some kissed their parents on their hands or lips like JC. Bossie knew her face was blending in with their dark surroundings.

She didn't even know she could have blush that dark. She knew when she didn't hear someone whisper 'lovebirds,' that the hangovers tomorrow weren't going to be fun to deal with.


She was, in fact, correct. They must've gone through over twenty bottles of Tylenol because the others wouldn't stop taking so many. She was surprised when she, May, Connie and Haven didn't have to send anyone to the hospital for overdoses. She was thankful.

Very thankful.

She didn't want to go to a hospital at all right now. However, she was so tired. She was falling asleep on her feet. She sighed as she threw on a tank top and some lounge shorts. JC was dead asleep on their bed. Bossie placed some Tylenol next to a water bottle on JC's bedside table for when he woke up with a killer hangover.

Bossie crawled into her bed as quietly as she could. She didn't want to wake up her husband. As soon as she crawled underneath the sheets, JC turned over and cuddled into her chest. She laughed quietly as she wrapped her arms around his head. Resting her head on his head, she closed her eyes.

"Sweet dreams, love."


Hello, y'all. I'm sorry I haven't updated any of my other WTTT fanfics. Life hit me hard after break. I hope this small one-shot of the cities makes up for it!

Words: 871


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