Didn't Ask, I'll Still Do It: Part Three

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oOo-This is Jerry. Jerry means there's a time skip. Say hello to Jerry!


"Alright," New Jersey started, heading toward his fridge, "now, we need to find out what these animals eat."

"Can't we just give them the bowls and let them figure out their own bowls?" Kentucky questioned.

"Tucky, there's only one bowl and it's not that big and everything's in there. Doesn't even have sections. I think Florida thought we would be taking care of them for a day and that we know what they eat." New Jersey answered as he placed the bowl on the table.

"So Florida just tossed everything in there and expected us to know which animals eat what?"

"Yes. Florida probably thinks we're smart enough to figure it out."

"We are?"

"If you're questioning yourself, then no."

"Hey!" Kentucky barked. New Jersey rolled his eyes as he walked toward the living room with the bowl. Kentucky huffed and stormed off after him. The exotic animals were already looking at them, waiting for their food.

"I'm surprised that Tallahassee hasn't been eaten yet. Adult alligators usually eat snakes." Deli jumped down from its hiding place on top of the TV.

"Don't Florida panthers eat alligators?" Kentucky asked.

"Occasionally." Deli responded. Kentucky nodded. New Jersey picked up an earthworm from the bowl. He looked at the animals around him. Ocean jumped for it, catching it within her mouth. New Jersey picked up a piece of raw meat from the top of the bowl. He held it out for the animals. Chompers sniffed it and whacked Loui on his leg. Loui sat on his hindlegs and grabbed it from his hands.

"Did Florida train these animals or do they just know which food is theirs?" Kentucky inquired.

"I have a hard time believing Florida trained these animals. I think they just know." Deli answered. New Jersey cocked an eyebrow.

"Whatever. We can just ask later. Now, help me feed these creatures." New Jersey said.


Kentucky was reading a book next to Nevada who was chuckling as he watched Adam Ruins Everything. New Jersey was listening to a documentary about the Florida Everglades, trying to get as much information about Florida's pets as possible.

He had headphones in as he folded Nevada's clean clothes. Jersey had Carson and Vegas bring him Nevada's dirty clothes so he, at least, could have clean clothes. Daiquiri, New Jersey's pelican, sat next to him, watching as he folded the laundry.

Kentucky had asked why he decided to name Daiquiri, Daiquiri. Jersey told him that Louisiana was the Pelican State. That didn't help him much. Jersey was sitting on top of the mantel. She didn't trust the new animals to not eat her. Deli was sleeping on Kentucky's lap. Florida's pets weren't really doing much.

Tallahassee was staring intently at New Jersey. Loui and Chompers were play fighting. Ocean and Green Tea were sleeping under the TV. Croc was chilling next to Vada and Tucky. Kentucky had scooched closer to Nevada.

He wasn't really comfortable with a crocodile next to him. Suddenly, the animals sharply turned towards the front door. It wasn't until he heard the front door's lock click, did he understand why the animals were looking there.

"Hello, my pretties!" Florida's voice boomed across the room as he slammed New Jersey's door open. The animals instantly ran over to him, jumping to get on top of him. Florida laughed. New Jersey quickly put on his beanie over his bun. He still didn't quite like the other states knowing about his long hair.

"Florida, why did you pick lock my door? If you wanted to come in, you could've just asked. Oh! Wait. I'm talking to an idiot." New Jersey deadpanned.

"Hey! I'm not an idiot! I'm the bestest state in the Union! Hey, is that Adam Ruins Everything!?" Florida whined.

"I don't think that's a word." Kentucky responded.

"How do you manage to have a bigger ego than York?" New Jersey asked.

"He has his ways." Louisiana answered, pulling a large cooler behind him.

"Why do you have a cooler with you?" Kentucky inquired.

"Oh! The cooler's for you! D.C needs us main...what, six? For something. I'm not sure what it's about, but he's keeping us for...well, we actually don't know when this will end. So, you'll be taking care of my pets for who knows how long! Also, why is Nevada and Kentucky here?" Florida answered. New Jersey looked horrified and mumbled something under his breath in a language he didn't understand.

"We're here because Jersey called us and said he needed help. We were happy to help." Nevada replied.

"Oh! Well, thanks for being so good for them and thanks for caring for them!" Florida cheered to them and his pets, heading towards the door with Loui.

"Question. Did you train your pets?" Kentucky asked.

"Nope! That was Loui." Florida answered. Just as he was about to shut the door, Jersey spoke up.

"Wait!" New Jersey shouted. The door opened again.

"What?" Loui questioned.

"Florida, you had Cali write the letter, right?" New Jersey said. Florida raised an eyebrow, but Loui answered for him.

"Yes, Cali did write that letter." Loui confirmed.

"What letter?" Florida queried.

"The letter that Cali wrote for you, telling Jersey he had to take care of your pets." Loui responded.

"Ohhhhhh! That letter!" Florida said.

"Anyway, why is 'XO' written before sincerely and then crossed out?" Jersey asked. Loui cocked his head.

"I don't remember Florida saying he wanted to have 'XO' in the letter." Loui stated.

"Here, look." New Jersey handed the letter to Loui, pointing toward the black spot.

"You're right." Loui observed, "We'll be sure to ask Cali about it."

"You mean interrogate." Kentucky commented.

"Whatever works for you." Florida sing-songed, "Now, we'll see you later!"

New Jersey winced as Florida slammed the door shut. He sighed as he took the cooler into the kitchen.

"This is going to be a long week, isn't it?" Kentucky groaned. Nevada nodded next to him.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the introduction of Jerry! See ya soon!

Words: 969


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