Explanation ||| Part 1

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Explanation - Bird With Broken

     So in this AU Sabre is an Elytrian who was chased towards the portal by hunters and then dragged in by a certain black out blue steve we all hate. He was severely injured when he went through and so Red took it upon himself to help him. And as to not give any spoilers yet you can read the first


     "GET BACK HERE!" "QUICKLY GRAB IT!" How long have I been running for? It doesn't matter, I just need to keep running till I lose them. I feel an arrow as it glides past me, grazing the side of my cheek. I wince at the sudden pain from the sting. As the blood drips down the side of my face I start to feel dizzy. They tipped the arrows with something.

     I block out the screams and the sound of arrows as they fly past me, barely missing. I spot an odd run-down tunnel ahead. Maybe I can dive in there and take shelter from the hunters in there. I change my course and make a beeline towards the tunnel.

     I made it only a few feet into the tunnel and I started to slow down, which was a huge mistake. I scream out in agony as multiple arrows hit me perfectly in the wings. I still can't tell what these Arrows are tipped with but I start to black out.

     I hear the entrance of the tunnel collapse behind me, I don't know how it did but I'm glad it happened. My vision and memories start to get blurry as I feel like I'm being... dragged? Did one of the hunters manage to make it in here with me? No if it was a hunter it would have killed me by now, not dragging me deeper into the tunnels.

     I'm too tired now to let out a sound of pain or even of discomfort as I'm being dragged down a flight of stairs. I'm dragged in front of a... sign?

     "Read" I hear a twisted and corrupted voice. Though I think this person saved me by body won't stop screaming that I'm in danger.

     "READ!" Startled by the sudden loudness of the voice but scared of what will happen if I don't obey, I turn my head and start to try and read the sign. "The final door to a reality once known but sealed to eternity...." The final words I spoke before a bunch of blinding lights and I passed out.

     My head really hurts, actually my whole body just aches. At least this nest is really soft......... wait....

     I shoot straight up and the first thing I notice is that my blind fold is gone. I need to get out of here, I try to stretch out my wings but they won't budge. I look at my wings and they're covered in this weird white strip stuff.

     Hold on, my whole body is covered in this weird stuff. I probably only have time to remove the stuff from my wings before the hunters come back. I reach out my clawed hands out towards my wings, and my claws cut right through this stuff. Dumb humans underestimate my strength! >:D

     My wings hurt too much to properly fly right now. I'll just climb into the rafters. Where are the rafters??? Ok so there's no rafters and only one door out of this human's nesting room. I reach out to try and open the probably locked door and... :0 It opens! Ha, these silly humans didn't even remember to lock the door! It should be a piece of cake escape this time!

     This looks so cool! There's red stone in a portal formation, I wonder if it works. Humm... using my skills of deductive reasoning I believe that the pressure plate is the only way out of here. And by deductive reasoning I mean that there's literally nothing else here. But I also don't know what standing on it would do. I think I still have some stuff on me, and I do! Ok so I'm just going to gently drop an iron ingot on it annddd-

     I jump back at the sudden noise, oh wait it's just a hidden door. I pick back up my ingot and put it back into my inventory. I step on the pressure plate myself and go through the door. And this is just a home, ok why would anyone put me into their nest in an insecure home? You know what, I'm not going to question it right now I just need to get out.

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